Before I tell you about next month's Penabler meeting, remember that Barbara Calzolari's visit to our Penabler meeting this Friday night at 7PM is going to be fabulous! She'll give us a demo and will participate in a riveting interview and Q&A. Our goal here is to get a glimpse of the person behind the artist. Barbara is warm and accessible and has a wicked sense of humor. You will love her! So bring a tasty snack or drink and get ready for enlightenment. Wheee!
Now for details about our NEXT meeting in September:
Join us for our next Atlanta Penablers meeting!
Friday, September 7th, 2012 from 6-8pm at Binders Art School in Buckhead.
“Stitch an Envelope Book”
Demonstration and guided activity by penkitten Anne Elser. Stitch your family of envelope samples together just like a book! For the bookbinder looking to add a new feature to their hand bound books or calligrapher looking for a creative way to package your envelope styles, this guided activity is useful and fun as a self-promotional tool or a gift for yourself or a friend.
We'll be using a combination of Coptic and Tape bookbinding techniques and you'll have a handout waiting for you when you arrive.
Keep in mind that the envelopes you use for the activity can be blank if you like. But it might be more exciting for you if you've got imagery/calligraphy on both the front and back of your envelopes. We'll be using the flaps themselves as signatures to bind the book.
The ribbon really does need to be 1.5 inches wide and your envelopes really do need to be 6.5 x 4.75 because we'll all be using the same template to stitch our books. Binders DOES carry ribbon and envelopes in lots of fantastic colors, if you don't have time to pick them up before you arrive. I will also be bringing a few chunks of beeswax so you can way your thread. But if you don't have any, no sweat. But bring it if you've got it!
You'll walk out the door with a completed project that has many variations and practical uses!
To read more about how and why I came up with the idea for this project, go here to read the original story: Calligraphy Sample Book
What to Bring:
• A snack or drink to share
• Needle
• Beeswax (if you've got it already)
• Scissors
• Thumbtack
• Pearl Cotton Thread size 5 or 8
• Pencil
• 1.5” wide ribbon
• 8 or more A-6 Envelopes (6.5” x 4.75”)
• Your recent work (optional)
• Your Bad Self
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