Hi Vida,
How's Bjorn? I miss him, but I guess that's part of it. Please give him a few kisses from me.
And thank you for being so gracious on Saturday. You were masterful!
On May 14, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Vida wrote:
Anne he is starting to settle in. He did not want to get out of the crate the first day but now is running around the house with the others. Not totally comfortable yet but it takes time with an adult dog. We know not to push him and he will, in his own time, find his place in the pack. He doesn't snap at the puppies and that's a very good thing. Hopefully a great home will come along for him to be King of the Castle. Just remember Bjorn in your prayers and ask God to send him the right placement. That's what I do when I begin looking for a placement for a dog.
That makes sense. I think his self confidence needs to be rebuilt and at the base of his aggression is fear. Your balanced pack is really good therapy for him. He's always been curious but tentative with other dogs - wanting to interact and play but not knowing how exactly. I'm glad he's out of his crate now and I will keep praying for him.
I think I miss him the most at school. He was my shadow and gave me a new love of the outdoors. I miss taking him out and feeling breezes and sunlight with him. I miss his puppy breath and feeling the fast pumping of his heart through his warm chest. It would make me so happy to know he was balanced and happy and bringing lots of pleasure to someone who loves him as much as I do.
I still can't believe I was strong enough to let him go especially when I knew I would be the one most hurt by his loss.
Your advice to pray is really smart. I'll try to replace my selfish missing of him with prayers FOR him.
Bless you Vida!
i think everybody must feel like bjorn.
i'm sorry this sucks so much and that there's no way around feeling it.
I know it! And thank you Minus. I've just got to work my way through it. Just like Bjorn.
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