First of all, here's a shout out to Tania - I have misspelled lilies several times in the pictures here. Please don't scold me. We are up in Rabun Gap this holiday weekend. Right now I'm sitting in the screened-in porch enjoying the breeze, the soft song of birds, the pleasure of doing nothing. I went to church this morning with Mom and Dad. Delightful little church. The sermon was all about not freaking out about all the little stuff (and big stuff like gas prices and the economy.) How about walking instead of driving, the priest asked. Dad and I chuckled. Sounds like a plan.

Anyway, I am feeling peaceful and want to share some of the changes I've been fostering in my own yard back home. I worked on making the front entrance to our house more inviting. Bought some wooden numbers from Michael's for a buck a piece and painted them the color of the front door. Then I put out some plants that've been living inside all winter. Filling in empty spaces with rocks so the pot looks a little more homey and full, this creeping sedum says hi.

The ultimate example of considering the lilies, I've multiplied plants we already have by rooting cuttings with rooting hormone into new soil. It's great fun to watch your hard work flourish. I often pick up fallen leaves and shoots from the garden center floor and taken them home to root. I know it's naughty but very cost efficient!

Our fence has proven to be a fabulous backdrop for plants. Herbs love to rest their backs against it, as does my ego every time I walk up the driveway. There are day lilies we divided and spread over the entire yard. Also some exotic lilies from a plant given to me several years ago that have spread so that they stand taller than I do! They are magnificent.

You can also see the japanese maple we planted after the miscarriage in honor of the child we might have had. It loves out front yard and the little bunny underneath is happy there. The kidney-shaped bed you see it resting in has grown so. Hostas that our neighbors gave us live there, as do seeds we've harvested every year of cleome Aunt Kris gave us one year.

I have also planted several seed beds around the fence. Will post more pictures of those as they grow. I am growing Bells of Ireland, Cleome, Bachelor Buttons and another pretty flower I can't remember the name of right now.

Once more note about the mailbox. We pulled up the brick we had framing the bed and hammered in leftover pickets from the fence. It's not quite finished, but already looks much nicer than the brick. I filled in some spaces with dusty miller to compliment the other greens in the bed. I love white and blue greens.

That's it for now. Nanny and Baba will sit for Anton while Doug and I drive to Franklin to see the latest Indiana Jones movie. Harrison Ford sends chills up my spine. Oootah. Happy Spring!
Can't wait to see it "fo real" in just a few weeks! Couldn't help but notice that your mailbox post is a favorite perch for birds just like mine seems to be...eeeewwwww!
Love to you three!
But I happen to LOVE the letter L. You can't really have too many of them.
Martha, why don't we switch homes for the summer and you can transform my house inside and out just like that wonderful makeover show and then I can come home and live happily ever after! love, Barbara
Anne, it is lovely, charming, inviting. If you ever want iris, I have some lovely ones, in abundance, including a green-tinged yellow, "Pride of Ireland". It is prolific, voluptuous, about 30" tall. I'm impressed that you're growing Bells of Ireland, a favorite of mine, & from seed! I'd love to stop by & see them. Love, Patti
wow. You always seem to amaze and inspire me at everything you create. your house is beautiful!!
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