Well. It's been a beautiful day. Doug bought me donuts for breakfast, Mom and Dad came over first thing to give me my presents - one of which was a beautiful grandfather clock that's been in our family since my grandmother was 16 - a deep, deep family history - but that's a later post. This made me cry. The letter from Mom and her sweet sterling bell that HER grandmother gave her was also wonderful - as was Anton when he figured out how to make it ring. Doug got me a James Avery charm bracelet and Anton got me a charm that says Mommy.
Later at work, students bought me a cake and sang to me at PC. Then Doug took me out to dinner - oh, it was delish and luxurious.
This Saturday night we have a big party. I'll bake a cake and it'll be so much fun. I've got lots of things to celebrate and be thankful for.
The image you see here is Anton's big present to me. Mind you, this is a child whose gag reflex is very sensitive. The sandbox and yogurt just about do him in. So when Daddy sat him down to create this finger painting for me, it was not pretty. The painting turned out masterful, but I understand it was traumatic for him. Look at his chest and thighs! Oh, how the artist suffered!
How precious is that! The painting turned out great for all the pain it caused him. You will remember this moment every time you see the painting, for the rest of your life! Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't wait to eat things at your house!
Poor darling,
I think he was worried that he was going to have to eat it or maybe you're correct in that he didn't like the a career path heading the way of Pollack, Basquait et al.
Doug pointed out that his big toe created a perfect star as he yanked his foot away.
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