I'm starting a new round of courses at Binders next week that meet twice before xmas, then resume after the 2 weeks of xmas/new year holiday.
These are regular 6-week classes that break in between.
The advantage of taking a smaller class is more time with your instructor and while you're on break, you'll be able to apply some of the skills you've already learned and put your time off to good use!
Calligraphy 3 (advanced) needs at least 2 more students to make. If you'd like help creating a calligraphic holiday greeting card or addressing those envelopes to writing thank you notes, THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO DO THAT! In Calligraphy 3 - we really break out the color inks and paper and experiment.
These are the last of my classes at the $140.00 rate. They'll all go up in February to $190.00!

Calligraphy 3: Advanced (EVE) Wednesdays, 6 sessions|Dec. 8-Jan 26|No class Dec 22,29| 6-8:30pm|Intermediate-Advanced|$140|Min 3/Max 7
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