~:L A T E * T H I R T I E S * F E E L * F A B:~
We took many more birthday pictures of dinner last night, if you care to see them. My actual birthday isn't until Monday, during which I will be ushering in a new group of first quarter PC students - so we decided to celebrate last night. Mom, Dad and Doug pitched in together and bought me this lovely Elsa Perretti necklace from Tiffany's. She's the same designer of my wedding ring. This necklace is en route to atlanta - so I should receive it Monday. Thank you so much Mom, Dad and Doug! I can't wait to wear it.
Beautiful necklace! Almost calligraphic, wouldn't you say?
Tanks, Robert. It is a very pretty type face. Pretty around the neck.
I have the same one! It was a gift from my best friend's family after I graduated PC. It goes beautifully with anything. Enjoy and happy day.
That's so neat, A! Take a picture of yourself in it and send it to me.
I have been meaning to tell you how much I love your re-do of the interactive book. It is outstanding. I use it a lot as an example of what can be done for that assignment. You're an inspiration.
You have the most adorable family! I hope you have a SUPER fabulous birthday on Monday; I think you need to wear a t-shirt to class that says something like "it's my birthday" on it...maybe airbrushed...just for fun.
Thanks Mary! I do love my family. We're not perfect and have to work hard to make our relationships work - but it pays off. Specially on yer burffday. ;)
Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!
Thanks Anne! That is pretty much my favorite project. It's nice to have teachers that believe in you. And everyone's always so interested in how I did those hand done consumerism posters, too.
Happy, happy birthday!
Aries? We're the best...
by the way, that color blue looks awesome on you!
salvation army rules.
Happy Birthday Anne! 38 is great! Enjoy! (Love the necklace)
I thought I heard remnants of the birthday song this afternoon. Congrats! You're only 38? Would have thought, mmmm, 36 and a half. I'd say it's time to check off #1 of the 7 things to do before you die...
I updated! consider it my last minute b-day gift to you. hope you had a great day (you had class with us third quarters, it must have been at least spectacular)
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I had a great birthday. One of my classes sang me happy birthday - very sweet. And Jason - I was one of those girls who always got carded way past my legal drinking age. I used to hate it. Now that I'm older - it doesn't feel so bad. Angie - glad you're up and beelogging again. We missed you! MaryK - thrift sores are highly underestimated, don't you think? Doug and I have a certifiable addiction to Good Will. They opened a new one on our end of town and oh my, half of the clothing and furniture we own comes from thrift stores and garage sales. We're addicted! Amy - when's your birthday? And yes - Aries rock the planet, I must say. ;) Tanks, Melissa - I'm actually looking forward to my fourties. I think the getting wiser and calmer thing that comes with age. My twenties were so tumultuous compared to my thirties. I am going to continur to assume things continue to get better and better and better!
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