~:G R O W T H:~
So Anton and I were in the grocery store the other day and I opened up my purse to pay for something at the checkout and the cashier said, "Oh, you look so organized! Your purse - everything is so organized! I'm jealous." I thanked her and smiled broadly. Maybe I'm getting my shit back together since the life I once knew flew out the window? Yes? YES. I can feel it. Two months ago it took me 10 minutes to find my keys. But now, everything's a little cleaner and I'm able to incorporate the old back into the new. My worlds are meeting. It's a fantastic feeling.
To give you an example, here's a picture of the back porch, which I transformed into a gardening station. Oh, it's heavenly to try to make things grow. I took cuttings from many of my favorite plants and am trying to root them. Doug and I are building a fence for the front yard and I want to use the surface as an excuse to plant more tings. Building the fence will be a different post. More later on that. In one corner of the porch, I've got my potter's wheel set up. I am itching like mad to get that going again. I think Anton would have a blast throwing pots. Oh, we are going to have such fun together.
So Spring is here and lots of projects are brewing. I am feeling creative again, with more energy to share. I'm feelin' the love.
it's the best feeling in the world when you can finally start to see positive changes in yourself. especially when you've worked so hard for them. so i'm very happy for you.
p.s. nobody has ever accused me of being organized.
hey anne! i love your blog. i just happened upon it . . . i really want to do some "gardening" around my apartment. and man . . . an organized purse. that is something to aspire to.
I'm so glad you like the blog Jessica. What kind of plants are you thinking of adding?
Thanks for th kind words, Sarah.
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