~:F I Z E N C E:~
Dear Readers! I have not abandoned you. Doug and I have been busy preparing pickets for a fence we're building inour front yard. I must be growing up, because this is what I asked for for my 39th birthday present. Not shoes, not clothes, not jewelry. A fence. And not a fancy storeboughten one. Something we can build together.
So I've been painting, Doug's been digging holes in the ground, Mom and Dad have come over to help. And we've all been passing Anton from arm to arm as we take shifts with him. It's been hard work but fun. Today was our first long day working on the project. It was forecast to rain (a 60% chance) and thank goodness it didn't!
We have just 5 posts in the ground and about a third of the wood painted. We're doing 2 colors: dark green for the posts and a lighter dusty green for the pickets. These are the same colors for the mailbox, our window trim and shutters. It's looking marvelous so far. So sweet and nostalgic. Anton will be walking in a few short months, and he'll be safely fenced in.
Stay tuned for more pictures.
p.s. I ran into another new mother I met on the HRP floor at Northside Hospital yesterday. She was out walking her twins with her husband. I passed her coming home from the grocery store and turned around to say hello. It was great to see her,walking around, not in a robe and slippers, but with a good man by her side and two healthy beaming babies. She liked my new mini-van and thought Anton was cute as ever. Nice to see her on the other side.
I am liking this new life.
that fence recalls to mind the fence in front of my Aunt Mae and Uncle Ray's fox River Valley, Wisconsin farm house.
Fences, unless they are fencing someone out, are a romantic thing. They recall blankets on the grass and picnics under a tree and tall flowers.
I remember when I was in my thirties and Mike and I did all those wonderful things around the house together; painting the nursery, working in the flowerbeds, repainting the girls rooms when they grew out of the nursery them, tileing the floor.....now in my late forties, I have a housekeeper on Wednesdays, a yard man on Thursdays and a pool man on Tuesdays! Barbara
Barb - You have a POOL?! AND a pool MAN? Is he cute? Can I have his number?
And Mom - the fence is looking rather romantic. I'm loving its progress.
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