Thursday, May 10, 2007

~:B E I N G • Q U I E T:~

Why I love to be alone, to be quiet, to listen to my thoughts. Being alone renews me. Recharges my batteries. Gives me the need for people again. This is the gift of introversion.

So how do you do recharge yourself?

A Morning
by Mark Strand

I have carried it with me each day: that morning I took

my uncle's boat from the brown water cove

and headed for Mosher Island.

Small waves splashed against the hull

and the hollow creak of oarlock and oar

rose into the woods of black pine crusted with lichen.

I moved like a dark star, drifting over the drowned

other half of the world until, by a distant prompting,

I looked over the gunwale and saw beneath the surface

a luminous room, a light-filled grave, saw for the first time

the one clear place given to us when we are alone.

Poem by mark stand. Painting by Andrew Wyeth.

1 comment:

minus five said...

for me, there's nothing better than hanging out with only myself. i do it as much as possible and it becomes very obvious in my behavior when i haven't had enough alone time.

i am able to think much more clearly and i can listen more closely to the neverending dialogue in my head.

sometimes, like now actually, i have to go even further away than usual. sometimes solitary confinement is required for me to try and make sense of my life and what has happened. sometimes i leave everything right where it is and i walk away. i'm often surprised at what things i want to pick up once i return and what things i decide are best left behind.