Nothing is better than this. Sleeping in on a Saturday morning and walking downstairs into your sunny kitchen to find your husband feeding the pears and apple your prepared the night before to the baby and your dog napping at their feet in a patch of sunshine. Fresh coffee waiting to be ground and brewed. Knowing you're not in the hospital anymore. Saying a quick prayer for the women who are. Knowing that you're just a few months away from fitting into your favorite skirt again. Feeling your legs grow stronger underneath you. Finding new muscles you didn't know you had in your arms. Trusting that life will not kill you. That you'll always get stronger through every hardship you endure and learn from. That you are not alone. That you bring life to everything and everything to life. That you breathe peace. That you encourage smiles. That things are perfectly as they should be. That everything will be OK.
days like that are the most awesome things in the world. i wish we could all have days like that every day.
but if we had days like that every day, they would loose their meaning. In a way, we have to appreciate even the shit-days. Because w/out those shit days, the true beauty of a Saturday morning is lost.
You're right Kevin. I actually like the shit days, too. But don't tell anyone.
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