~:B A P T I S M:~
Anton was baptized this Easter Sunday, and although the weather was chillier than I wanted, the day was quite perfect. We had everyone we loved with us to celebrate the event. Anton was a dream - sweet and flirty and patient. He fussed a little at the water and tried to eat the prayer book we were reading from - but he was still cute.
I had an epiphanous moment at the alter, the intersection of space and time. As I ate the communion bread, I had the most wonderful vision of Tommy making bread with Christ, for me to eat. It was marvelous. I can't describe how wonderful it felt to sit in church with my baby in my lap. I felt very blessed.
All the Temples came to join us - and I think Charles, Brent and Peter should start their own "daddy day care" center here in Atlanta. They have the magic touch. We all wore white - it was such a wonderful day. A real celebration.
Want to see pictures? There are lots to see here:
Anton's Easter Baptism
Happy Easter everyone,
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