~:F E E L I N G * B I M P:~
We are at 20 - 21 weeks now and I've been feeling Bimp move and squirm every time I'm siting or lying still. It is AMAZING. Feels like a little squish. A tickle. A squirm. Like a soft thump, thud, muscle twinge. And this morning while lying in bed, Doug pressed his hand down low on my belly and felt Bimp move several times. Oh my goodness what fun we are having.
He's supposed to be able to hear by now. So we're talking to him. In a couple of weeks, we go to the beach and he should see sunlight through my belly. Time to start singing and taping stereo speakers to my belly. Dance, Bimp Dance!
Mom took me shopping yesterday. I finally have real maternity wear. Soooo much more comfortable. Thank you GOD!!
Time to start filling Bimp's room with gear.
1 comment:
at first i thought that might be a picture of one of those 3-D ultrasounds. i haven't ever seen one, but my cousin and his wife are going to get one done shortly. they said their last baby looked almost identical to what they could see on the 3-D version.
you should get yourself some boxer briefs... i hear they're pretty sweet.
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