~:A S B U R Y * P A R K:~
We are home! Um. Almost. In a hotel actually outside of Durham tonight. Just took a bath and am waiting for Doug to return with dinner. We stayed with Kari and Peter - had a fabulous time. They were incredibly hospitable hosts - very generous. I felt really well taken care of. Went to a concert one night and folks smiled at me. Not every day you see a pregnant lady at a concert. Bimp danced away that night - mostly during the slow songs.
Here's a picture of your chubby preggo at the beach. Shortly after, it rained. But not to worry - we had plenty to do and lots of room to relax. It was blissfull.
Bjorn made a new friend, Joey - their Bearded Collie. He was such a sweetheart. They shared space and food. Took turns playing catch. Very sweet with each other. Bjorn was not happy to leave him this morning. Woke up grumpy and growled his way into the car. Bad doggie.
Asbury Park is on the mend up here. Has a really interesting history, culture and is being revived by a wide range of voices - all of whom have positive energy to share and want to see the community thrive again as it once did. Everywhere you go, you see renovations, restorations, new construction popping up to bloom. Kari and Peter's house was absolutely darling. Incredibly comfortable. They are open-minded, artsy, organized, generous, witty, wise and made us feel right at home. A very smart couple.
Enjoy the photos of our trip here and a silly little video of Bjorn and Joey playing together.
Glad to be back home. I missed you guys!
you're so cute anne. bimp will have fun looking back on all these pics and his journey to get here. Glad you had such a great time.
Welcome home, Anne! I saw an elderly "Bjorn dog" today and thought of you...he's going to be a cutie pie even in his adult puppy diapers.
You look great preggers in a swimsuit...not many people can successfully pull that look off...
Thank you ladies! Ummm, you didn't see the "before" picture before I photoshopped the fuck out of my thighs. :-)
aren't you glad that we're designers so that we can do things like that? i photoshop myself all the time. imagine the horror of not having those skills!
Very, very glad!
My neck, thighs, upper arms and skin tone are thankful as well.
Hi Anne!
you look ADORABLE! I love checking in w/ your blog to see whats going on with you. But I'd rather catch up in person!!
I saw molly recently and we discussed the need to get us all together soon.
i'm going to start photoshop-ing all my photos from now on. i love it
xo marlis
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