I've read that your baby picks up on your moods. That sure happened to us today. All 3 of us, Bjorn, Bimp and I barely made it out of bed. But once the chocolate arrived and good work started flowing in for me to look at, why - who would want anything else? So it was a great day. Teaching just puts me in a better mood. Chocolate helps, too. And the fabulous comments from you fabulous women - you know who you are.
I came home and stopped by to visit Mom and Dad - helped Mom with her computer. Then drove home and as I watered plants, Doug pulled into the driveway. So we weeded together for a few minutes while BjornMouse picked a breezy, sunny patch on the lawn to watch us. Hostas are blooming, the hibiscus I thought I killed is coming back, the vinca I transplanted is doing well, pansies are coming up in shady areas, in spite of the heat. Dougie Fresh got a job with CheckFree, who has fallen in love with his mad skills. We have better insurance now and I get to go back to my old OBGYN to announce my 21st week of pregnancy, after a painful miscarriage nearly 2 years ago. Life is good to us.
You guys are right. Who cares about the rash. I love my career, family and friends and the work that comes with all of it.
And I am going to be a mother.
i'm happy that your day got better. if i were pregnant, i'd take the same liberties that i plan to take when i'm a senior citizen... to dress how i want, not match if i want, to say whatever i want, whenever i want. because i will have earned the right. and you have. do what you've got to do to get through every day.
besides, rashes make great stories.
Why wait to be a senior citizen?
Carpe Diem.
Anne....is that your adorable kid pic? Too cute.
Yup! This pict sums up what I'm feelin' right now.
Pretty damn happy. Tanks, Mary.
Oh and Sarah - guess what I'm wearing?
pulling up into the driveway tonight, with this incredibly beautiful pregnant woman, who happens to be my wife, who happens to be carrying our child, watching her glow, watching her perform the living metaphor of watering the flowers, coming home to all this, to the papillon too, to the day lillies, to the sun...it was all pretty damn perfect...pretty damn pastoral...way cool.
may everyone enjoy the benefits of boxers from here on out!
and doug, you're a very lucky man, but it seems anne is equally lucky to have someone like you.
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