This lovely lady belongs on the cover of the book I'll be reading. My friend Ashlee tells me it's addictive and terrifically well written. Perfect beach reading. yay. I've got 2 sweaters and a blanket to knit for Bimp. And good news - my leg rashes are getting much better. Swelling is still down.
Wish us luck on our drive. Sweet Doug made a list of every Hospital on the way up to New Jersey, exits included. Just in case. We are control freaks. Tonight we stay in Virginia. In a 2-star "pet friendly" motel. :) I hope to at least have some great stories for you.
Kisses, all.
That's a long way to drive for a beach!
have fun!
"Gravid" was my dictionary.com word of the day recently.
have a great trip! Relax and enjoy the time together before mr bimps arrival!
man, everyone at the beach is making me kind of sad. I'll have to see where Lyndsey, Ian, and I can go for a night or two?
say hi to maryland, i'll be looking for ya.
Wogah! I will wave to you. Bjorn will probably bark.
Jason? I suggest a day trip or weekend trip to north georgia. My folks just got a vacation house in Clayton, about 2 hours from Atlanta. It's a darling little town - not too touristy. And the people are sooooo, sooooo nice.
The Biltmore is always a fun place to visit, too. In Asheville, NC. About a 3.5-4 hour drive from Atlanta.
Barb - we're calling this trip our "babymoon".
Mary! Dad had a flyer in his hand for the Push Push theatre production of.... I can't remember the name. But he wants to go... we may get the whole gang together - Peter comes into town next week and it would be a fun grown-up night out.
wonder what it is at Push Push?
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