dear all.
i am in love
with my new baby, my husband, my parents and EVERYTHING.
surgery went super well in spite of being delayed FIVE agonizing hours. i literally cried the whole time and it was just as frightening as i had imagines. while staring at the blue screen, i listed all the things i missed about home: bjorn, my kitchen, baking the cake in clayton, my red chair, the kidney shaped flower bed in our front yard, my flower boxes, the japanese maple, our cozy bedroom, the cradle, the new nursery, doug's mother, my brother, and then i listed bjorn a couple times more...
but nothing prepared me for the little squeek i heard coming from the other side of the screen. it was our little boy, loud and clear. I've added him to my list of most favorite things. i think that is an understatement.
it's a bit of a blur and i can't remember exactly what time he was born. i'd ask doug, but he's fast asleep right now. so I'll post more later and fill you in on the details. I think, THINK he was born at around 3:00. It took me longer to recover - i had the worst headache of my life - very scary, but it went away thanks to a good dose of pain killers and doug's palm on my forehead and the most beautiful prayers I've ever hear come from any one person's mouth. he was masterful.
we are finally parents.
His name is Anton Dusenberry Elser.
more later. night for now.
Oh yes, you are in love...that incredible all-encompassing love of being a mother! What is even more wonderful is that it will grow and never fade. And how beautiful your baby is! Anton is a strong name. He will fill your lives with wonder. I know Nancy & Tom are in love with him, also. A new Dusenberry...God bless him!
yeah!!!! he is beautiful...you are both SO lucky...many, many congratulations and much love.
awesome, awesome, awesome! Way to go, Anne. I knew you could do it, and you did. He looks great and he already has those Dusenberry lips. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. And remember, Lyndsey and I had Ian the week before Studio week, 7th quarter. If we can make it through, it'll be a breeze for you and Doug. We love you all!
Anton is the lovliest of the lovely. Little squeek looks a combination of Anne and Doug. He is sooo cute.
This morning I am thankful to God and proud of my children.
I feel pure joy.
Bless all of you who held hands during this long wait.
I love you Anton,
I've thought of nothing else all weekend and woke myself up many times in the night to be happy he's here. What a relief, after all the waiting and fear. My favorite part of a baby is the underside of the toes. A poet once called them a row of perfect pink seashells. Kiss his toes for me.
Sleep well, little family.
I'm actually jealous. Can I have him?
i left the house yesterday to have my hair done still waiting on hearing from Uncle Tom. Called Mom and Dad, not a word yet. I left and headed to the salon wondering how Anne was doing. It was already 2:00! I got the joyous news sitting in the stylist chair as your Uncle Jack called my beautician to share the news. We are all so excited about Anton and only wish we were closer. Meagan and Kate can't wait to see him! He is just adorable and you guys are going to have so much fun with him! Can't wait to hear that you guys can go home! Can't wait to see lots of pictures.
He is so beautiful! Congrats! Anton is such a good name. So, when does he start at PC?
YAY! Congrats Elser family. He looks perfect.
congrats anne,
glad that everything went ok!
Congrats Anne and Family!
Anne, I got chills reading your post. I know alot of us who had class with you feel a great sigh of happiness knowing that "bimp" –or Anton– is finally here and safe. We were happy to be part of the journey and look forward to meeting Anton!
-Rose and the Promotional Design Class
Woo-hoo! Congratulations 1000 times. You guys rock!
Congratulations! I can't wait to hold his little hand ... and see those little sweaters on him!
yipeeee! hoorah! I am so excited. Anton is precious. Congrats
I am so excited fo ryou!!!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
I am so happy for all of you! Anton looks perfect! You must be the happiest people in all of the world. Many happy wishes for your family!
i'm 30-something-mumblemumblehandovermouth and i still can't believe he came OUT of you!
And is absolutely perfect like that! Kah-razy.
Oh, Boy! Literally. Congrats. Can't wait to hold him.
Hooray. Congratulations to you, Doug and the whole clan. Anton is adorable.
awww congratulations. happy birth day anton! much love.
Oh Anne. Many times your blog has brought tears to my eyes. Never have numerous tears actually fallen out of said eyes. Until now. I'm so happy for you.
Sweet, sweet Anton. He is just as gorgeous as his mama! And, I can already tell he's smart in a clever sort of smarty pants Doug way. Your boosters, Molly, Josh, Suzanna and Scout.
Congratulations Mom and Pop Elser! What a beautiful baby!!!!
Donella (a former co-worker of Papa Doug's)
Congratulations!! Anton is absolutely adorable and I can't wait to see him in person! I'm so glad everyone is happy and healthy. Take care!! * Christine
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see Bjorn and Anton together.
anne- he is so beautiful. i am so happy for you!! can't wait to see you again (and anton too!!) around school!
what a fine young man...and what a lucky kid!!! i am soooo jealous of anton! never have i met a mother as cool as anne. you're wonderfuL!!!! congratulations anne...
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