So is there a connection between the two of these L O S T cast members, Cynthia Watros and Michelle Rodriguez, being arrested back in December in Hawaii for DUI within 15 minutes of each other AND the fact that both of their characters were shot in the same episode? Was this the night they found out they'd be leaving the set or did they get written out b/c of their naughtiness? Hmmmm.
I was thinking the same thing! I wonder if they'll start the next season by adding more new characters that they can kill off at the end of the season. I have mixed feelings about this season because I felt like we were stretched so thin with all the plot strings and the long breaks between episodes...but I am still a fan, for sure.
THAT is horrible news!!!! I am distraught. They can't, CAN'T cancell this show. It's too fucking good to get cancelled. Oh, God help me. This is awful news.
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