"The next PostSecret Book will be released October 1st. Any postcard received before June 1st might be in it," reads an entry in this Sunday's PostSecret edition.
Okay, Frank, you motherfucker. I've sent you COUNTLESS fucking postcards and have yet to see one posted on your silly sight. Postcards worthy of a designer's nod or attention. I mean come ON. Give me SOMEthing here. I teach this stuff fer fuckssake. What do I have to do? Write an ugly, self-centered post about you???? God HELP me if I don't see one of my cards in your new silly book, I just don't know what.
i wanted to send frank a postcard, but i can't think of any secrets that i haven't already told on myself. maybe i should make one up.
i'm sorry you got the shaft so many times. maybe he's just saving all of yours for the book.
and a random sidenote that has nothing to do with this at all: i just sent you an email with a link to some music i think you might like.
Thanks Sarah.
I spent part of today framing scenes in my head for your Rock Bottom stickers. I'm working on it....
Fuck Frank.
I've sent...well, okay, I've only sent ONE secret in...but I thought it was pretty significant....at least for me...and did that puppy appear on his blog? NO. I say we start our own "secrets" blog...
Anne, Frank must be planning to do a book of ONLY your secrets.
Don't be a one-trick pony.
Tania - I think you're completely right here. Whew. I feel so much better!!
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