~:S I R * B I M P:~
Hang on to yer hats everybody because le Bimp is a B O Y !!! I was compeltely wrong about the sex! The whole time I thought you were a girl. Mom came with us for the ultrasound and we hollered and giggled to find out it was a he. Now I'm thinking all those dreams I had of pink was about me, myself being "in the pink". Makes sense when you think about it.
Oh the fun I'm going to have with costumes and superheroes and uniforms and OH! Bimp? WHO are you?? Can't wait to find out. I am thrilled to have a tinkering little boy. All my bloodwork turned out fine - Bimp measured well. Only thing fishy is a placenta previa thingie - where it's not positioned where it should be. This should correct itself on its own. But if it doesn't we'll have a C section. I don't care much - as long as he's out OK and healhy.
We are so blessed, so excited, so grateful. Happy to share the news with you. He'll be Bimp for now and as we figure out names, which I'm sure will take us up until the day he's born, we'll continue to refer to the little pea as Bimp. Oh happy day! I am in heaven! You should have seen him move around. Very cool - so amazing, so humbling. The image of him in the upper left is of his face looking right at us - his right arm is bent and stretched back behind his head and you can see his fingers peeking behind it for a wave. Hi Bimp! Hello sweet little muffin cake, bouncing bubble Bimp boy. My sweet little boy - I love you!
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you!! What a lucky little boy...that is so amazing how you can actually see eyes on the face...how cool...I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have something ALIVE inside of me...wow! You know he's going to be a big ham, smiling for the camera already! :-)
i knew it! you NEED a girl, but i've always felt this one was a boy. Congrats! it makes it real now. my best friend had placenta previa...she had a c-section and was fine. Her little guy is not almost 5. now get to that nursery!
Yeah, I can't wait to see what you do with the nursery. So much Congrats! What a great feeling for summer!
Oh Anne. I thought the post you wrote initially telling us the news of Bimp was enough to get tears in my eyes. This one? This one has the tears coming out of said eyes.
I'm so happy for you and Doug. Super congratulations. I send you both massive amounts of love.
Bless you ALL! Sir Bimp sends a wave behind the back of the head to you!
OK ladies. get this bit of news: I got measured for a new bra yesterday and holy crap I went from an A to a fucking D!!! Thank you. I'm officially a movie star.
taking bow
accepting roses
adjusting to new sense of off balance and tipping over
Welcome to the bigboobsclub, Anne. Just wait until you try to find a bathing suit! Although, you will probably look cute in some preggosuit with poka dots, red lipstick and movie star sunglasses. xo
I love the image of the lipstick and polkadots! I'll look for one!
i'm glad everything is going so well with your pregnancy. and thanks for the labeling job on the ultrasound; otherwise i would never be able to figure out what i was looking at.
i am so happy for you guys. all kids should be wanted and loved as much.
I also had some tears. that's so amazing. I'm not sure if you remember but that was one of my ideas for my God poster, the miracle of a baby and so on... and I think boobs are so overrated. sorry anne.
As I've said before, and I'll say it again, all boobs are great.
Congrats, Anne! Welcome to the boys club. If you're at all like Lyndsey, and I think you are, you'll continue to be upset at the limited choices for clothes out there for boys. And if you're like me, and I think you are, you'll continue to not like what's out there and think everyday "oh, I'm going to design a kids-T that says "I Love Tipe" or "Future Designer" or "I Draw with Daddy"...well maybe not that one. That is some great news.
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