~:C A L L I G R A P H Y:~
Good morning everyone! I had a fun weekend getting my calligraphic ducks in a row. In preparation for the big life changes coming in October, I decided that I wanted more calligraphy business while shifting into my new role as a mother. I will be taking one quarter off from teaching at PC on maternity leave, but would still like to create with my hands and make a little money while doing so. Desiging a logo and calligraphing an envelope are two very different things. Calligraphy is soothing - yoga for the spirit and hands, it's challenging enough and rhythmic - perfect for my personality. And as gratifying as design is, I can't quite picture myself being able to think very clearly in three hour sleep deprived sessions. So!
I made a series of little sample books (thank you to Michael Goodman's bookmaking class) to pass out at various businesses in Atlanta. I lowered my prices a little, which so far has had a favorable response. Visiting vendors was fun. The folks at Paper Affair were terrifically friendly and supportive. Even went to the bridal department at SAKS and they fell all over my work, displaying my samples right up front with happy smiles. Very, very nice.
Surprisingly, I got the cold shoulder from Swoozies. Apparently, they've got to check with corporate. At the least, they might put my name on a "list" with other calligraphers they'd recommend. But they refused to accept a sample for display. I suppose I understand. Maybe I should have dressed up more or hid my bimp?? Did I look like a shmo? I dunno.
Sam Flax was very complimentary, though. Such nice people. Young and fun and spirited. It was a great day. So now I'm pumped and want to make more. I think I'll atttack the bridal shops next and see if they'll help market me. Understand, I am NOT a business person. So small steps like these amaze me. Especially when they turn out to be uplifting.
If you'd like to see the new AED Calligraphy site I put up, go here. Annnnnd, if you'd like a sample book of your own - write to me with your address and I'll send you a couple!
Cheers! We clear out Bimp's room today. Wish me luck! Oh! Almost forgot to tell you we're at 20 weeks now. The half way point! A new tummy picture is posted on the Bimp Page.
that sounds like a cool plan. and i completely understand about not being a business person. i'm not either. i often wish i had someone who just handled the business aspects of my life for me.
i'm glad all is going well with the pregnancy. before you know it, you'll have a little creative helper by your side.
You Rock, Anne...BEAUTIFUL stuff...I am going to have to add learning calligraphy to the list of other things I want to do...like sea kayaking, glass blowing, wood working and sewing...
thank you ladies!
Sarah - my mother who is a painter, just hired a person to handle all her biz stuff. What a luxury!
Mary - i have an endless supply of new things I want to learn, too. It's maddening sometimes just choosing which to do next! Never enough time, eh?
i would just like for it to go down on the record that my wife is a goddamn rock star!
Awwwww. Honey pie! I love you.
you are absolutely right about those troubled design ideas based on 3-hour sleep intervals. I'm there RIGHT NOW, and have SO much to complete by critique. Nothing is coming out.
Well, at least you have THE most excellent excuse ever!
Hi Anne,
It's Marlis!
Your baskets of calligraphy goodies ROCK!
Absolutely blows me away they are so beautiful. i know you will be busy with calligraphy soon. Don't worry about swoozie's. They were down right ugly and rude to me when I dropped off samples a long time ago. But the strange thing is, thats where most of my callig clients come from...
Good luck with cleaning up the room. i need to do that to our entire house!!
i just stared at all these for so long.
Hey Marlis!!
Thanks for the kudos. I saw your name on the Swoozies list. Maybe we'll be next to each other! That's too bad that they were so rude. What the heck? There IS a calligrapher's sample box on their desk - I wonder how that happened? Do I have to sleep with someone or somethin? Sheese.
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