What Baby Center says about Bimp at 28 weeks: By this week, your baby weighs a little over 2 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can open his eyes — which now sport lashes — and he'll turn his head toward a continuous, bright light from the outside. His fat layers are beginning to form, too, as he gets ready for life outside the womb. If you are a new mother over 35 and on bed rest, try putting a hibiscus bloom in your hair to visually distract from the fact that you now weigh a startling one hundred and fifty freaking pounds.
150 is nothing. i haven't weighed that since high school and i haven't even had a kid.
you seriously don't look bad at all. you wear pregnancy very well, actually. i wish there were a way for you to see yourself the way the rest of the world sees you (or at least the people who like you anyway).
p.s. that is a giant flower.
Thank you ladies. I'm just insecure and shallow and vain. Nice combination, huh?
So Minus - are you suggesting that there are people who do NOT like me? I had no idea.
I know BjornMouse thinks I'm a helpless shmo right now - he's lost all respect for me since
the pregnancy.
I guess I just don't want to look like that old friend I was telling you about who got so large,
her nose just about exploded. I really hated her. She could have used a good dose of Photoshop.
I am feeling a bit guilty about the overuse of my own of late.
OK, I do NOT feel guilty about flexing my Photoshop skills.
he he
anne: i think its quite possible that there are some people out there who don't like you. not that they are even likable people themselves. every cool kid out there has a small army of enemies, otherwise they would be doing something wrong.
and bjorn doesn't know. he's a guy.
i don't think its possible to overuse photoshop to make yourself look better. you didn't aquire those skills for nothing!
you look great, where's the 150 lbs? it must be all Augusta, you'll drop it by the time you go in for your 6 weeks check-up. mark my words; however, i can't make any guarantees on the new shape of your hips and butt.
I think all the 150 pounds are in my new thighs, god help me.
Thanks for the encouragement, barb. I've heard that breastfeeding helps drop the weight, too. And that it jumpstarts the shrinking of the uterus. It's just so amazing - how the whole thing is set up and that it's all involuntary. Just amazing.
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