Peter sent me this little movie today. I had forgotten about it. He made it for Doug and me as part of an invite for a couples wedding shower back in 2002 he and Mary threw for us. Peter wrote and performed the song and um, searched for the photos. We found most of them under Mom and Dad's bed, actually. And today I'm sharing it with you. All comments and questions welcomed. It was a great party, by the way. :-)
Wow. I learn something new about you with every post, Anne. Just wait till little Andrew gets a hold of this video.
I know it. Will probably scar him for life.
Thanks for the giggles!
wish i knew ya then. we called peter this week to see if we could crash at his place in chicago, but he's going out of town. or so he says.
uhmmmmm. you gotta love the guy! i'm nervous because i left him in charge of writing the DMD family song! goog golly, can you imagine what he'll present to the family in Vermont. I told him it had to be PG.
just got back in town. oh, that is awesome. i still have it on my computer. he was nervous i remember about it after he finished...it being for a wedding shower and all..... i thought it was pretty awesome. for that group, anyway. if they didn't get it, they didn't need to be there!
yeah I know it! No one took offense, which was great.
I've just hand embroidered guest towels for a friend's wedding shower that say Poop, Fart and Snot. Ummm, now I'm a little nervous, too.
why is your name misspelled at the very end?!?! by your brother?!?! a joke, i guess?
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