I hope you are all well and enjoying the promise of Spring.
Three new classes are starting in 2 weeks at Binders in Bookmaking and Copperplate Calligraphy. Two have made and have some seats left and we need just one more person for the 12-week bookmaking course to make.

Bookmaking 1: Beginning Bookmaking (DAY)
Need 1 more spot filled to make as of 3.15
Tuesdays, 12 sessions
Mar. 29-Jun 21 (no class May 10)
Sale price until Mar. 15: $380, After Mar. 15: $395
Min. 3/Max. 7
Bookmaking 1: Beginning Bookmaking (EVE)
only 4 seats left as of 3.15
Tuesdays, 6 sessions
Mar. 29-May 3
Sale price until Mar. 15: $190, After Mar. 15: $205
Min. 3/Max. 7

Calligraphy 2: Copperplate (EVE)
only 2 seats left as of 3.15
Wednesdays, 6 sessions
Mar. 30-May 4|6-8:30pm
Sale price until Mar. 16: $190, After Mar. 16: $205
Min. 3/Max. 7
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