Hello Friends!
Beginning July 20th, I will be opening up my teaching slots at Binders to include a Tuesday DAY time class from 1:30-4:00. Tuesday evening classes will always be a bookmaking class and Wednesday evening classes will always be a calligraphy class. The Tuesday DAY classes will rotate through all the classes I teach, so a person who wants that slot for any of the classes, may choose from the rotation schedule.
I have also designed both of these areas to include classes organized by experience - from beginner-intermediate to intermediate-advanced. Very excited about this structure and I believe the organization will make sense to everyone and make it a little easier to decide which class to take and what the next steps might be.
To see all of my future classes mapped out, you can view my personal iCal calendar to see what's coming up.
Anne's 2010 Class scheduleYou can also keep track of what's going on by taking a look at the far right column on this blog. It lists current and upcoming classes with links for immediate sign-up on the
Binders website.
The Calligraphy classes will be divided into three sections:
Calligraphy One: ItalicCalligraphy Two: CopperplateCalligraphy Three: Advanced CalligraphyThe Bookmaking class will now have a second class available to students who want to take blank journal bookmaking to the next logical step: making a book with content.
I will offer the following two bookmaking classes:
Bookmaking One: Beginning Bookmaking
Bookmaking Two: The Opened BookSo excited!
Here are the new class descriptions. Enjoy and hope to see you soon!
Bookmaking One: Beginning Bookmaking with Anne ElserTuesday Afternoon
Sept-Oct 2010
Tuesday, Sept 7, 14, 21, 28 Oct 5, 14
Min4/Max 15
Tuesday Evening
Sept-Oct 2010
Tuesday, Sept 7,14,21,28 Oct 5,12
Min 4/Max 15
Tuesday Evening
Dec 2010-Jan 2011
Tuesday, Dec 7, 14, Jan 4, 11, 18,25
Min 4/Max 15
BOOKMAKING 1: Beginning Bookmaking with Anne Elser
Beginning to Intermediate | Fee: $140 | Min. 4/ Max. 15 We will be making books and boxes in this class with a variety of materials and techniques. We will complete at least three books and one container for a book to nest in. The objective is to give you a fundamental understanding of how books are made. The anatomy of a book is fascinating, as are the adjustments one can make to any book to make it yours from start to finish. The covers, spine, folios, signatures, fly sheets, headbands and more are all waiting for your heart and hands. A little bit of folding, gluing and stitching goes a long way and we'll learn how to do it in the spirit of good craftsmanship. And remember - your "mistakes" are opportunities. We will learn how to make adjustments to our books as we create. Plenty of opportunity for invention. Take a look at the samples at the front of the store and you'll see what we mean by the term inventive. They are SO much fun. Making books is a very rewarding experience. They make wonderful gifts, sketchbooks for yourself and journals, photo albums, etc. The only skills required are a love of paper, attention to detail, patience and a need to share the FUN we're having! Our bookmaking classes are very social and entertaining. You won't want to miss a moment! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Introducing Bookmaking Two: The Opened Book with Anne Elser
Tuesday Evening
July-Aug 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 27, Aug 3,10,17,24
Min 4/Max 15
Tuesday Evening
Oct-Nov 2010
Tuesday, Oct 26, Nov 2,9,16,23,30
Min 4/Max 15
Tuesday Afternoon
Dec 2010-Jan2011
Tuesday, Dec 7,14, Jan 4,11, 18, 25
Min4/Max 15
BOOKMAKING 2: The Opened Book with Anne Elser Intermediate to Advanced | Fee: $140 | Min. 4/ Max. 15 If you've taken one or several bookmaking classes and are ready for the next step of creating content on those lovely hand-bound pages, join us in Bookmaking 2: The Opened Book. Nothing can be more intimidating than a book of blank white pages. We will begin by creating signatures with a mixture of several different types, colors, ages and textures of papers - anything from vintage sheet music, magazines, lined or graphed paper, envelopes, postcards, etc. By alternating these pages with blank pages, you'll have a book that wants to be altered further: touched, written in, cut into, stitched, painted, repainted and filled with purposeful doodling, writing and drawing. Working at your own pace, your book can be themed or worked into loosely. Set your sights on the color palette and theme of your choice and by the end of the first week, you'll have "accidentally" found a collection of things you're enchanted with to incorporate into your book. Bring all the scraps of fabric and paper you've been saving to incorporate into the covers or pages of your book. The approach in this class from to the "treasure hunt" pasting, binding, working and re-working will be an intuitive one, with the correct assumption that as artists, we have all the answers inside and before us, even before we begin. We will work in a relaxing, engaging and completely intuitive manner, while sharing each of our unique talents, discoveries, experiences and processes with each other. You won't want to miss a moment. We will make at least one book and a box for your book to live in. And if you're really hungry for more - make two! Bring all your bookmaking supplies and at least one set of color paints/inks in the medium of your choice and a set of drawing pens/pencils/markers.
Calligraphy One: Italic with Anne ElserWednesday Evening
Sept-Oct 2010
Wednesday, Sept 8, 15, 22, 29 Oct 6, 13
Min4/Max 15
Calligraphy One: Italic with Anne Elser Beginner to Intermediate | Fee: $140 | Min. 4/ Max. 15 The Italic calligraphic hand is one of the most widely used and versatile alphabets around. It is highly legible and can easily be dressed up or down. Italic is the perfect hand to learn for the beginning calligrapher yet versatile enough to experiment with for the advanced. During the six week course, students will be given handouts and guide sheets, learning the upper and lower case characters. We will also address spacing and layout for addressing envelopes. Calligraphy is less about pretty handwriting, but more about DRAWING each and every letter. Its about establishing a pacing and rhythmic motion as you write - giving you a consistency of shapes and letters, and spaces in between words and lines. It is highly relaxing and meditative. Like yoga for the hands. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Calligraphy Two: Copperplate with Anne ElserCallig #2: Copperplate With Anne Elser
Tuesday Afternoon
July-Aug 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, 17, 24
Min4/Max 15
Callig #2: Copperplate with Anne Elser
Wednesday Evening
Oct-Dec 2010
Wednesday, Oct 27, Nov 3,10,17, 24, Dec 1
Min4/Max 15
Calligraphy Two: Copperplate with Anne Elser Beginner to Intermediate | Fee: $140 | Min. 4/ Max. 15 This is an introductory look at Copperplate, an elegant and elastic hand frequently used for formal invitations, documents and bridal events. Completely enchanting, the dramatic thicks and thins of this delicate hand will make you swoon. During the six week course, students will be given handouts and guide sheets, learning the upper and lower case characters. We will also address spacing and layout for addressing envelopes. Calligraphy is less about pretty handwriting, but more about DRAWING each and every letter. Its about establishing a pacing and rhythmic motion as you write - giving you a consistency of shapes and letters, and spaces in between words and lines. It is highly relaxing and meditative. Like yoga for the hands. 
Calligraphy 3: Advanced Calligraphy with Anne Elser
Tuesday Afternoon
Oct-Nov 2010
Tuesday, Oct 26, Nov 2,9,16, 23, 30
Min4/Max 15
Calligraphy 3: Advanced Calligraphy with Anne Elser
Wednesday Evening
July-Aug 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 28, Aug 4, 11, 18, 25
Min4/Max 15
Calligraphy 3: Advanced Calligraphy with Anne Elser
Wednesday Evening
Dec 2010-Jan 2011
Wednesday, Dec 8, 15, Jan 5, 12, 19,26
Min4/Max 15
Calligraphy Three: Advanced Calligraphy with Anne Elser
Intermediate to Advanced | Fee: $140 | Min. 4/ Max. 15 Calligraphy 3 is an advanced calligraphy class designed for those who have taken Calligraphy 2 & 3 or who already know the fundamentals of any calligraphic hand and are ready for the challenge of applying the words and other elements to the page. Whether you are addressing envelopes, designing a monogram, laying out a certificate, document or quote of any size, this class will help you understand the concept of hierarchy on a page, drama, stable compositions and balance of elements. You will also be encouraged to take the plunge into the world of flourishing! Experimentation with color, gouache, inks and paper is also encouraged. Bring in your free spirits and lets have fun!
Instructor Bio: Atlanta native, Anne-Davnes Dusenberry Elser earned her BFA in painting and ceramics from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1991. She then studied Graphic Design at The Portfolio Center in Buckhead, where she has been teaching design classes for over 10 years. In 2003, she began teaching classes here at Binders. Anne makes her living as a painter, illustrator, bookbinder, designer and calligrapher. She is also an instructor in these fields. Her award-winning work has been featured in design annuals, books and magazines (Print, CMYK, Graphis and Communication Arts, Minimal Graphics, Then Is Now) and can be seen in several book jackets (Memory Of A Large Christmas, Storyville USA, Trickster Lives, Let Them Eat Data.) While Anne’s experience gives her classes real value, her candor and sense of play allow for a fun, friendly environment. She has two cats named Gunther and Olaf, a son named Anton (who is amazing) and a husband named Doug (who is also amazing.) She also can’t wait to meet you.