After the candy fest we went to La Cabana for tex mex and Anton ate his first taco. In his Bavarian hat and lederhosen, of course. What a thrill. We are in for a wonderful holiday season. Christmas is right around the corner and I cannot wait to see him open presents. Weeeee! This two stuff is way fun.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween 2008
After the candy fest we went to La Cabana for tex mex and Anton ate his first taco. In his Bavarian hat and lederhosen, of course. What a thrill. We are in for a wonderful holiday season. Christmas is right around the corner and I cannot wait to see him open presents. Weeeee! This two stuff is way fun.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Holiday Open House
Hi Friends!
Here's info about an exciting new even I'll be taking part in: a Holiday Open House at the Bobbe Gillis Gallery. I will have a table there with other local artists selling their hand-made stuff. I'll be selling my books and boxes from $8.00 - $45.00. Please come and spread the word!
Bobbe Gillis Gallery
Holiday Open House
Friday, December 5th, 2008
Saturday, December 6th, 2008
Holiday refreshments
Unique gift selections from visiting artisans
Sale Items
A raffle for free gifts
Forget the malls!
Take a break in our inviting space!
Ample, Free, Rooftop-parking!
1000 Marietta Street, NW
Suite 108
Atlanta, GA 30318
Why John McCain?

McCain: A leader for these times
The Arizona Republic
Nowhere else in the country do voters know John McCain like Arizonans know John McCain.
Voters here have sent McCain to Washington, D.C., on their behalf five times since his first election to Congress in 1982. As much as an electorate can, we know this man.
We have seen the irascible McCain. The bawdy and irreverent McCain. And, yes, the temperamental McCain. Likewise, we here in Arizona have seen the former Navy pilot and war hero evolve - slowly and with lots of fits and starts - into a statesman.
We have witnessed John McCain become a leader - not only of a delegation from a fast-growing Southwestern state, but into a national leader with a reassuring habit of stepping to the front when things seemed most difficult.
Nobody in the country knows the Republican presidential candidate better than we do. And no one is better placed to judge whether he would serve honorably and admirably as president of the United States.
We are confident he will. The Arizona Republic proudly recommends John McCain for president.
Regarding foreign policy, no contemporary American statesman is more prepared than McCain to assume the mantles of first diplomat and commander in chief. In the tradition of Harry S. Truman, McCain already has demonstrated a willingness to let the buck of responsibility stop at his desk.
No one elected McCain to stand virtually alone against three administrations over their use of power overseas - against President Reagan's ill-fated decision to send Marines to Lebanon in 1983; against President Clinton's decision to send U.S. troops to Somalia in 1993; and against President George W. Bush's decision 10 years later to send insufficient troops to Iraq. He fought Republicans and Democrats over irresponsibly sending troops into harm's way, and he fought Republicans over their equally irresponsible refusal to send enough troops to do the job. In all three instances, history has proved (too often tragically) that McCain's judgment was right.
Even McCain mischaracterizes his noble willingness to stand up and stand alone. He contends it is the "maverick" in him. Well, he's wrong about that. It is the leader in him.
In truth, the son and grandson of war admirals was never a good fit for the go-along, get-along comity of the U.S. Senate. The nation simply has not had an opportunity to elect a president this well prepared - and this willing - to be a world leader since Dwight Eisenhower.
But as the Iraq war inches slowly toward peaceful resolution, domestic issues, notably the wrenching tumult on Wall Street and the economic woes it heralds, take center stage this election season.
If McCain were to do no more than to serve as a presidential protectorate of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, most of which never were made permanent, he would provide a boost to the nation's troubled economy. As the economy lurches and slows, business leaders already envision further drag - and an unnecessarily elongated recession - caused by the heavy anchor of higher taxes, should the Bush-era tax cuts be repealed.
The same concerns apply to the future of American free trade, a cornerstone of the nation's longest-ever period of economic expansion and wealth production. McCain is a stalwart advocate of free trade, while the rhetoric of his Democratic opponent strongly suggests to us that he is not.
Which brings us to our concerns regarding Democratic candidate Barack Obama.
No one will dispute that the Illinois senator's candidacy constitutes a historic moment in the life of this nation. In addition to his demonstrated capacity to help heal the greatest American wound, its racial divide, Obama has inspired millions of Americans to see anew the value of public service.
Still, in terms of experience, Obama is barely four years removed from the Illinois State Legislature. And even that thin record in public office is obscured to us by the senator's proclivity for voting "present," often on knotty issues like abortion. For a candidate seeking the world's greatest political challenge, Obama presents an extraordinarily lightly traveled trail.
Considering what we do know of his record, it is hard to envision Obama tamping down even the wildest leftist aspirations of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
Obama's plan to reduce the taxes of "95 percent" of working families is most troubling. As many as 44 percent of "taxpayers" today pay no federal income tax at all. What Obama in fact is proposing is a direct transfer of wealth from top earners to those on the lower rungs. In short, he seeks to use the tax system as a revived form of welfare.
John McCain joins hands with Barack Obama and other Democrats on numerous important issues. They are scarcely apart in their personal judgments about how to resolve illegal immigration.
They speak virtually in one voice regarding the environment and the dangers of global warming. But McCain's support for a wide array of energy sources, including expanding domestic-oil production and building nuclear-power plants, is considerably more credible than Obama's.
McCain speaks with a voice of credible authority.
It is not as mellifluous a voice as Obama's. But it is a voice we in Arizona know well. It is one we trust.
The Republic recommends John McCain for president of the United States.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Xmas tree ornament book!
Here's a new book design for ya. This little book is about 2 inches high that hangs and is fastened by two separate tiny crochet chains. I'm making a ton of these books to be sold as Christmas Tree ornaments. The books can hang open or shut and you can write a personalized message or christmas gift list inside. They are such fun to make. You'll see more of these so stay tuned! My goal is to have a whole basket of them to sell at the Bobbe Gillis Gallery Holiday Sale this year in early December. More details to follow. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
1.5 Hours of Peace
People were remarkably well-behaved in line. I heard no jabs at either candidate, which pleased me. At least I could cast my vote in relative peace. You all know I voted for McCain, not because I dislike Obama or really like McCain, but because I'll always vote for the more balanced candidate of the two. But it strikes me that this election is not about balance or logic or anything involving the left hemisphere of our brains. Rather, it's an appeal to our emotional state as a country, that seems to be winning the vote. Obama is the more charismatic of the two, he's got the right tone, gesture and his delivery is beautifully mastered.
The country is in such a state of panic, and needs to be comforted. That's why a positive message of HOPE and CHANGE sits well with us. What people do NOT want to hear is what "good workers" we Americans are and that it will take a lot more work from us to pull each other out of this mess. People want to be saved, not encouraged to work harder. They want to believe that the jobs they have are there own and belonging to them, not the right or property of their employer. I believe differently, it's not my job, it's my employer's job and I am blessed to have it.
Oh how I wish McCain had a better speech writer.
But I will admit, that if Obama wins the election, that he will heal many emotional wounds from a great number of Americans. And right now everyone just wants to feel a little safer and prouder of our country.
I was at the bank the other day and an African American teller was helping me. The TV was playing pieces of the latest Obama speech and the look on her face was priceless. "Wouldn't it be wonderful...?" she said. I agreed. She said she was making a scrapbook for her daughter about Obama's rise. I thought it was a great idea. So if he wins, I'll be thinking of that little girl. And her mother. And I will support my president as best I can.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Olan Mills
These I got in an e-mail and I have no idea who wrote the brilliant commentary. Enjoy!
Thoughtful Lance. Mirthful Lance. Two sides of a delightful coin.
That dude wore a tie for nothing.
The Purvis family made several stops along the Oregon Trail to document their six-month journey. This photo was taken just two weeks before the dysentery took Momma to Jesus.
I wanted a shot like this for my wedding. The Mrs. said no.
No Comment.
Olan Mills backdrop #4: Bucolic Meadow with Split Rail Fence. Is that an animal carcass behind her?
A pose like this will get you kicked right out of the Convention.
Bobbi wasn't the first waitress to fall for her manager, but she and Dale both got fired from Shoney's.
Dawn and her recently exhumed sister, Gorgotha, pose with Scraps.
This photo isn't discolored. The '70s really were that orange.
At the Southern Baptist Convention?
The Library might be more believable if the shelves weren't sloping downhill.
Patrick broke rank and chose drag over the bow tie.
Kenneth and his prom date.
I got a 20 that says he drives a Camaro.
Hiroshima, 1945. The last known photo of Kelli and Senor Loco.
Someone spent money on this.
Talk about a third wheel...
I'd hide my face, too, little girl.
B-52's, the early years.

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Accordion File Folder
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hand and Mouse

I'm a big fan of the paintbrush in one hand and the mouse in the other. This exercise we're doing this quarter in production at PC, came from this Instructables lesson. I know this one looks like a need a blood transfusion, but I could not resist the crazy colors. There will be more - I feel an addiction coming on. And I am taking orders!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Classic Bookmaking Book

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jesca Hoop

Oh, I am enchanted and so happy to have something new to listen to. Check out this album Kismet, by Jesca Hoop. Tom Waits, who I also love, described her music as this: Her music is like going swimming in a lake at night.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Coptic book in Box
Check out the fruits of the bookmaking workshop I taught this weekend at Binders. This is a coptic book nested neatly in a box with a flip lid that ties closed with a bow. Sexy warm colors, ready for Fall. Mmmmmnh. Because I missed the Candler Park Fall Fest (Anton had a horrible virus) I'll be selling this and many other books on Etsy. Wish me luck and stay tuned!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I promise
Tonight's debate was great!
Though I did not contribute financially to the McCain site by purchasing one of his yard signs, I feel this hand-made version echoes the GOP's belief that I, if given the chance, can turn my own life around and those around me with the positive change and creativity that small government enables.
BUT, this is just an example of the fundamental differences between Democrats and Republicans. We've both got the right idea: to improve America with the American Spirit. And it is with that spirit of well-being and love for my country that, if Obama wins the election, I will just as lovingly paint his name, as I did McCain's in celebration of his hard work. I believe they are both good men and deserve the support of the american people, which is part of a cyclical positive energy to which I will contribute. I absolutely refuse to spend the next 4 or 8 years of my life cranky and disgruntled!
Cheers to the winner-to-be.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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