~:33 • W E E K S:~
Latest update: Bimp scored 8 out of 8 again on his ultrasound this morning. He's doing very well. I took a shower and am wearing a new pink bathrobe and nightgown Mom bought for me. Bonnie is coming for a visit today. Sharon is coming tonight. I fixed my hair today. Doug bought me some fancy Aveda bar soap for my shower. The ultra wax Minus Five bought me is kicking major ass here in room 220. That shit don't play. I love it! I have my fave nurse today named Kristin. Bimp has turned once again. I still have contractions now and again - they stop them if they get too much. I pooped twice this morning. Peed a million times since then, too. You should all be proud of me. :-)

i'm glad you're loving the wax. its pretty much the most awesome hair product i have discovered in a long time.
i didn't get to poop at all today, but i think i've peed three times.
How come no one's commenting on the sweet lingerie you're wearing? Way to keep it sassy, honeychild.
Anne, you look FABULOUS!
MF, this ain't a bodily function competition. Can't you just let Anne have this one thing?
I love the lingerie, thank you very much, and I am commenting on it now.
Damn that woman be hot. Damn.
And my baby is pretty cute too, huh? He looks a bit like a chipmunk in this photo, but I hear that goes away after a few months.
t: why don't you just talk to her about dead dogs and divorces some more? i'm sure that will cheer her up more than my urine and bm count.
keep it up, keep it up. We just might have to come by and see ya next week!
That is the sexiest hospital pose I've ever seen. I thought they made you wear those assless nightgowns made of toilet paper?
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