Here's Bjorn's latest glamour shot taken during the last Papillon Play Day. Our handsome boy. Little muffin cake. BjornMouse. Muffin Mouse. Monkey Mouse. Little Muffin Boy. My Little Flask of Gin. My Little Pile of Fabric Scraps. Little Juice Harp. Muffin Tin. Muffin Mix. Punkin Pie. Monkie Pie. Pumpkin Pie Mix. Little Bird. Little Man. Pumpkin Pie Spice. Little Monkey. My Little Tuft of Pubic Hair. My Little CD Burner. My Little Toasted Sandwich. My Little Toasted Sandwich on Rye. Cheese and Crackers. My Little Basal Body Thermometer. My Little Cube of Sugar. My Little Hit of Acid. My Little Thrombosed Hemmorhoid. My Little Tin of Turkey. Turkey Baster. Turd Cutter. Sliver of Cheese. My Little Timing Belt. My Honey Mouse. My Little Man. Monkey Mouse. Sweet Little Bird. Puppy Mouse. Puppy Bird. Monkey. Mouse. Mine.
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Jesus, Mary you're funny. Little Cracker Hole?!?!? I'm adding that one to the list. XOXXOXO
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