Our Three-Year Anniversary was this past weekend! Did a lot of celebrating. Eating out, cooking and Doug had some surprises up his sleeve. I woke up the morning of to this little note on the coffee maker. He'd already loaded it and all I had to do was press start. Doug got up early at 4AM just to write these two love letters - one from him and one from Bjorn. He also framed a couple of photos of the two of them for me to use in my studio. Aren't they sweet?
On our way to the restaurant, Doug booked a surprise massage session for the both of us at The Atlanta School of Massage, also in Dunwoody. OH MY GOD, it was incredible. I had my therapist work on my neck, back, shoulders and jaw. Incredible. I feel like he actually did something and that the session was about actual healing rather than fluff and pampering. So Doug and I were quite relaxed and ready for our dinner. And I was able to open my jaw wider than in inch in months. Amazing! This place was so great. My therapist, MJ, was an instructor there and showed me muscle maps of the body, demonstrating which muscles needed work and showed me exercises I could do for myself to keep everything from getting tight. We will definitely go back there.

I married Doug knowing that he had the skills to and was willing to develop more sills for making a marriage work. That reason alone has helped us get through all the listening, negotiating and hard work it takes to effectively communicate. He's just not afraid to work hard. His sense of adventure and fun has helped me retain my sense of humor in tough times and his gentleness has comforted me when I deeply needed to be nurtured. When I thank him for any of these gifts, his response is always, " It's part of my job description as the person who loves Anne."
To any single women reading this post - the mate meant for you is the one whose goodness and work ethic is worth rearranging your single life for.