Hi Friends,
As it turns out, funeral day wasn't so bad. There was no communion, so I didn't need to refuse anything. I did, however, change a few words around while reciting the liturgy (the lord's prayer, niceen creed, etc.) to better describe the larger God I now am getting to know.
There were a few moments of beautiful clarity, especially near the end of the private chapel service that moved me. I can't describe them only to say that they were full of light and love and forgiveness. That redefinition of my self I had wanted did indeed happen. Happy sigh.
This morning I'm making Nonie's Popovers. She made them for us at every vacation. I began making them on my own when I inherited Tommy's popover cups. They are ever so easy and a great treat we use mostly for breakfast. But they're fun for any meal, really. I'll share the recipe with you.
The kitchen tiles you see are mine I did for my parent's old home years ago. I broke out my china paints and went to town on this beautiful celedon finish. Don't know if the new owners retained the backsplash or if they've tried the recipe. Nonie had since changed it to suit the GA climate better. So here's an altered recipe that came straight from her mouth.
Love you Nonie. We teased and loved you lots last night at dinner. I could hear your laughing and sighing all night long.
Nonie's Popovers:
4-6 popovers
4 eggs
3/4 cups milk
3/4 cups flour
dash of salt
Combine ingredients (blender or hand mixer) and pour into 8 well-greased popover cups. Bake in 450 degree oven for 30 minutes. Pierce popovers and bake for 20 minutes more at 325 degrees or until browned. Serve with a big, big smile.
PS: to enlarge yield, use these measurements
10 popovers
6 eggs
2 cups flour
2 cups milk 1/2 tsp salt
i'm sorry for you lost.
i can't wait to try the recipe.
looks really yummy!
big internet hug from me.
Thanks for the iHug MIchelle!
Anne, so sorry to read about your loss. What initially attracted me to the post was the photo of the kitchen backsplash (or wherever this is). The recipe you've painted there looks amazing, amazing, amazing! An awesome tribute to Nonie.
You've inspired me to go paint on my walls :)
Thank you Tex, Oh Observant One. That IS a kitchen backsplash. I did this years ago. The actual recipe, though, was tinkered with after I made the tiles - so if you want to make some, follow the other recipe I keystroked in, instead of the art one. :)
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