So I've moved my upstairs studio downstairs this weekend, er um - at least I began the process. Internet isn't back up yet, which I hope will be resolved, too. But it's wonderful to be in a new space. I wanted to be closer to life downstairs - to our kitchen, the heart of our house. Closer to Anton. Closer to Doug. So far it's been great. I still have lots of little things upstairs to move into the new space - organize the supplies, etc. I'm giving myself lots of time to do that.
Had I made this move a year ago - it would have completely undone me. I would have been nervous, having my nest in chaos - up in the air - in the midst of change. But since I've been in therapy, I've seen this change as an opportunity and the shift quite beautiful. I'm at peace with it - the transition as life-giving and the energy as good, rather than scary. So what if it's not perfect yet. It is beautiful as it is now. As we all are. Creatures in motion. Moving with our environment. Constantly evolving. In sync with it all.
"Creatures in motion. Moving with our environment. Constantly evolving. In sync with it all."
That will probably be the best and truest thing I hear all day. Thank you.
i'm fixing to do this exact same thing, but on a kind of larger scale. in one weeks time, i'll have 85% less in regards to possessions and space and a new address. as best i can tell, i seem to need to do this every five years or so.
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