Thank you for supporting me in my Bjorn-Mania. We are trying a new approach. So far, I think Bjorn's happier because I walk him every day and don't let him get ahead of me at the stairs or out the door. But I still have to keep him and Anton separated.
Anton wants to play with Bjorn and vice-versa. But the fine-boned Papillon is too threatened by Anton's aggressive crawling. They will not be able to play together until Anton understands how to be calm around Bjorn.
If I'm going to keep Bjorn, I'll have to do a lot more work to keep him more balanced than he is right now. No more babytalk, No more excessive cuddling. More exercise. More rules. More boundaries.
I am EXHAUSTED. But it's an empowering feeling. Being in charge of two boys. Um, three, if you count Dougie Fresh.
IF, after a few weeks, things have not improved and I have really given this my best shot, I will be able to give Bjorn back to the breeder to live with the pack SANS GUILT. I am going to die trying, but try I must.
I will keep you all posted on my progress.
I had planned on all kinds of Christmasy posts to share with you but am overwhelmed with the task at hand at the moment.
Christmas cookies will have to wait. But I will share our lovely tree with you. It's the first time we've used an artificial tree (gasp!) but MAN are they so much easier. No sap in the house. No sawdust. No needles to vacuum. No more headaches (yes I'm allergic to the real ones and have had xmas headaches ever since I can remember.) No more cursing from Doug as he puts the tree up or down. AND the best part of all? We did not kill a tree. :)
Glad to here Bjorn got a pardon from the guv'ner. I wanted to offer up a little support earlier, but words failed me. I know, I know. The irony isn't lost on me.
Welcome, by the way, to the wonderful world of fake trees. I'm actually hoping one year to get Jo to embrace the idea full-on, so we can buy one of those shiny tinsel trees with the color wheel.
Yeah! I am so happy to hear this :)
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