My little bird had a fabulous birthday! We took lots of Birthday Party photos to share with you.
Anton did not care for the taste of swiss meringue buttercream frosting, BUT he really enjoyed playing with it. Carved right into his cake with his masterful Antonhands. The party went by soo quickly - I wanted to sit and chat with everyone, but there was too much fun to make happen! It was a great day - a day I've been dreaming about for years and years.
Thank you friends and family for your gifts, cards and prayers. Happy Birthday my sweet boy. I love you.
Dear Anne,
I wonder if Anton knows what a wonderful Mom he has
and just how fortunate he is that he has someone that love's
him like you do- and how special that quality is.
In his life it will make ALL his difference.
You're amazing!
PS: Happy Birthday! belatedly Anton... the first of many fun
ones to come. There's no more important day in your life
big guy. H.
Great photos! Looks like he really enjoyed himself. Mom mentioned he wasn't crazy about the frosting. At least the way it tasted anyway. What fun. See you soon.
Thanks so much for sending the adorable pictures. I was so sorry to we couldn't be there in person, but I love having an idea how much fun it was. I love your decorations. Hope to see you soon. Love j
Hi All.....Wonderful pics of that darling, Anton at one! Oh you all are blessed with such a dear son and grandson. The enjoyment of each day and oh those years to come, watch him every minute, Anton will grow so fast! Love and hug him for us from his Great Aunt Joan and Great Uncle Jack.
That is one rockin' cha-po. Happy birthday dear Anton, happy birthday to you.
Steven, Jo, Ava and Harrison
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