~:W A L L P A P E R • S C H M A L L P A P E R:~
I love color. Besides coffee, it's what I get up for every morning. (Sorry Dougie Fresh.) Colors do wonderful things next to each other. They talk to each other. They say a lot. They DO a lot.
I've been painting walls since I was in college. Though I've got a "thing" for paper (passion) I hate the thought of wallpapering a room. I grew up watching my Mom do that in the house, only to watch her manage the chore of ripping/peeling/melting it down a few years later. It was quite a mess.
When we moved into this house, I painted right over the wallpaper. I'm a fan of pattern and I love the texture of slippery house paint. I've got gallons of it in just about every closet here. My whole house is in a constant stage of being repainted. I just can't get enough of it.
When guests come over and ask where I got my wallpaper, I smile and tell them I hand painted it. Then I pick their jaws up off the floor and hand them back to them. I live for this moment.
My house is one color palette trip after another. Colorful, lush, warm and welcoming. Yes, it's unfinished. Yes, it's not always clean. But it's colorful and cozy and welcomes the guest: "Come, sit with me and tell me who you are."
I LOVE the walls...they are beautiful and so you.
one day i hope to be able to afford to hire you to paint the walls in my house that i also hope to be able to one day afford. !!
You heard of ...i think it's called Providence. ?? I'm drawing a blank on the place, now. how weird. it's right down the street from us, sort of across from doc chey's and alon's on n. highland. i bet your calligraphy stuff would sell like hotcakes there. also, bet you could get some wall painting clients there, too.
Anne, you're incredibly brilliant, & I love your work! Always have...
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