~:C H A T T 'N * W H O R E:~
My dorky (and generous) little brother Peter got me an iSight thingie for my birthday! Woo hoo! Mom got one, too. And we've been chattn away. Now that there's an Elser baby on the way - it makes sense for our family to have cameras, so we can enjoy each other virtually and for virtually nuth'n.
Today, Audrey graciously allowed me to interrupt her important school work and accepted my iChat invitation. So for those of you who have one - look me up!
I've a question for you guys. I get this really awful echo when I chat ith my Mom. She has the same PowerBook G4, 20 inch that I've got. The help menu suggests I put my speakers farther away from my microphone - but they're internal! Duh. So what am I supposed to do?
oprah had a kid on a few weeks ago that got lured into very bad things because he had a web camera. you should watch out because the next thing you know, you'll be an accidental web porn star and have death threats because you broadcast it to the world by being a guest on the oprah winfrey show.
I gotta ask, Sarah - WHAT are you doing watching Oprah in the 1st place?!?!?!
oh, i'm completely addicted to oprah. i have no shame in admitting this. i also watch soap operas and game shows.
haha great. Now we can run our own private porn sites!! just kidding, now you really didnt have to go put my picture up on the web. I really like your wallpaper. Did you illustrate it yourself? I'm sure you did. We are going to have to do the four way soon.. haha we are such computer geeks :)
Glad you like the wallpaper - yep, I made it myself. Four-way means a conference chat/video thingie, right? Bjorn wants to join. I did nothing today but chat with friends, update my blog, comment on other blogs and eat. TOMORROW I will work or die.
And if you'd like - we can chat during Hanks class and I'll say mean things about him. Even do a one-way so you don't hear me.
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