~: I N T R O D U C I N G * B I M P :~
I have some very happy Easter news for all of you. This little sweater I just finished belongs to the new Elser baby who will arrive to meet you all in mid-October! We are calling him/her "Bimp" for now and are sooooo excited. I have been dying to tell you and at last have said goodbye to the 1st trimester (and I hope nausea as well!). We are at 13 weeks - heard the heartbeat yesterday and saw Bimp wiggle and dance at week 9. UH-MAY-ZING. Quite a little miracle this pregnancy is. We are counting our blessings and I am feeling kinda like Wonder Woman. It's an amazing experience.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for the next few months. Happy. Excited. Nervous. Grateful. And my husband Doug? He's been a dream. I can't wait to see him as a father. Oh happy, happy day. Happy Easter everyone!
oh, i am so happy for you guys! i am always so thankful when people who want kids so badly are able to have them. seriously, congratulations and more. i'll put in a good word or two for you guys with the man upstairs. i already thanked him for being cool enough to get you this far.
Oh shit - you just made me cry!! What a sweet thing to say.
Thanks, Sarah.
Congratultions! How exciting! I look forward to seeing all the little knitted Bimp items that you produce in the next six months. :)
I know it!
Better get busy, huh?!
Six months! Sheese - that's like TOMORROW.
Holy crap. I am so excited! What a great gift. You will be a perfect mom (you already are to Bjorny), so patient and warm- CONGRATS!
Congrats, Anne! I wish you better comments than "what are you going to do?" Hahaaaa.
oh holy shit.
my nose is tingly like i'm going to cry. i too have goosebumps all over. i am so, so happy for you. you will be the most magnificent mommy and i look so forward to hearing every increment of all of it. i send you much, MUCH love.
Oh my. I've been baking a cake this afternoon and reading your comments while licking the spoon. You are all so good to me and I can't wait to introduce Bimp to such good people. Bjorn's been reading your comments like it's a tennis match - and has just laid down from sheer exhaustion.
Holy shit and crap is RIGHT. This is fun! I think I'll announce to the world every day that I'm pregnant. Kisses to everyone.
oooooh! congratulations. very excited for you. now that is some wonderful news!
Anne, I am so happy for you and Doug! You guys are going to be the BEST parents...and how lucky that little Bimp is going to have as superb a brother as Bjorn...once the little one is here, there is a bottle of celebratory champagne coming your way courtesy of me and my "kids"...you deserve that and so much happiness...congratulations.
wow! what awesome news. I'm so happy for you and your family. I have no doubt you will be a great mom. I'm sure you're on cloud nine. What a wonderful thing to look forward to. I'll keep you in my prayers.
That kid is going to be very lucky and very loved. Think it'll weigh more than B-dog when it's bjorn in October?
Enjoy the ice cream/pickles/lobster/dirt (I've heard that sometimes women want dirt?) cravings and have fun with all of the knitting.
Thanks Angie! Cloud nine is right, Audrey. And Mary - I think I'll mix the champagne with OJ and drink Mimosas all day once Bimp is here. I am sure Bimp will outweigh the B-Dog who is currently 5.5 lbs Amy ( I hope?). I heard about the dirt thing, too. Chick-Fil-A chicken buscuits were my saving grace - now it's peanut butter on english muffins. Last week it was Captain Crunch. I gained 6 pounds last month. :) Steven! Must get that peeing thing under control. BjornMouse pees sometimes when he's excited - at least he did when he was a puppy. But he's outgrown that now - and you should have, too! Can't wait to see you guys in a coupla weeks. Tell me what Night Train is???
By the way everyone - you should know the history behind the name Bimp. Ever seen Peter Sellers as Inspector Clousea? There's a scene in the beginning of The Pink Panther Strikes Again when Dreyfus gets hit on the head by Clousea by a ball. Clousea says, "You have reeee-seee-vid a bimp" in his outrageous french accent. Not funny as I type it, but it's a long time family favorite of ours. When I told my Dad I was preggo, that's what he said to me. "Yes, yes. I see now. You have reeee-see-vid a bimp, I see." I almost fell on the floor laughing. In fact I think I did.
hi, i am the daddy. i am the one who geriminated this little bimp. i am the one who fetches peanut butter and saltines at 3:00am. yes, i am babydaddy.
isn't my wife beautiful? i am so lucky; i know she's going to the best mom evah. she's already a pretty kickass wife.
Anne, Doug and Bjorn:
I am so happy for you! You will be wonderful parents! (sibling). Anne you will love being a mom. All good wishes coming your way!
Congratulations! As if you guys can get more amazing, here you go, getting more amazing. Love, love, love.
Already emailed you, but....yes. A little bit emotional here....something's..just..in my ...eye.
Awwww shit.
I'm soooo happy for you!! Congrats! You're going to be an awesome mom...
So thats where babies come from...
Congrats!, I'm so excited for you guys. Kelly and I are expecting our any minute.
Wonderful News!!!
now you know a way to get more comments than tania.
Well if that is how you get more comments than Tania, I am screwed....so to speak.
Congrats! That's WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Blessings to you and baby Elser!
Oh wow! Congrats!
I just popped by to thank you for the turtleneck shrug advice and you've got such amazing news! (and an adorable baby sweater!)
Anyway, thanks for your input... I'm not sure what gorilla girl they styled that pattern for, but I don't know too many people who need that much sleeve. And hey, the nice thing about this pattern is it still fits in pregnancy!!!
Hey Miss Ewe,
I should tell you I ended up felting the shrug and I love how it turned out.
The sleeves shortened nicely and actually widened at the ends like a bell.
The neck also shortened and widened so it fits more like a mock turtleneck,
rather than a longer tight one. The whole thing fits much better now.
Thanks for the warm wishes on my pregnancy. I'll sure be wearing the shrug
in October!
Oh my goodNEss.
I am so haPPY for you both.
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