Private Long Stitch Book Workshop
Sunday, July 10th, 2011: 10am-6pm
Location: Anne Elser Private Residence
Spend a full day making your very own Long Stitch Book with folded blank or lined pages, sewn together with needle and thread. The cover is cut from one single piece of leather, book cloth or two layers of Washi Paper glued back to back.Signatures are then sewn into the spine of the cover through previously pierced holes. This very flexible and semi-visible spine allows it to open completely flat and makes a fabulous sketchbook or journal. Add stitch a strap from the back to the font cover to keep your book closed. This functional, decorative work of art makes a great gift for you or someone who would enjoy filling it! We’ll take a break to eat lunch and by the end of class, you’ll be very proud of your first coptic bound book. Anne’s private workshops are meaningful and fun and are conducted in her cozy home in Atlanta. Bring your lunch or order out. Min 5/Max 7 students. Non-refundable pre-payment of $90.00 reserves your spot.
Reservations & Supply List Questions:
Anne Elser
E-mail her for supply questions: Anne@AnneElser.com.
Approximate supply cost: $70.00
Lunch & supply costs are not included in tuition.
blank or lined paper for book pages • Scissors
Roll of Wax Paper
Lineco® bone folder
Book cloth, Leather or
Washi Paper (2-3 coordinating sheets)
Mechanical Pencil • Exacto Knife & blades
12 x 18 Self-healing cutting mat
18 inch Non-slip metal ruler
Stiff & springy glue brush
Adhesive: 8oz container of Acrylic Gel Medium or
mixture of Methyl Cellulose & Sobo (e-mail Anne for recipe.)