PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PRICES I'VE LISTED ARE TO BE USED AS A GENERAL BUDGETING TOOL AND ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE PRICE YOU WILL FIND ON THE SHELVES. People ask all the time what they should be prepared to spend on basic supplies. It varies everywhere and I don't keep close tabs on who charges what.
Anne Elser Essential Bookmaking Supply List
Shop with Anne the beginning of class. E-mail her for questions: Anne@AnneElser.com.
1. Lineco® medium-duty awl $12.79
2. Lineco® pack of bookbinding needles $5.99
3. Lineco® bone folder $5.59
4. 2-ply chipboard $4.00
(30 x 40 sheet, cut into quarters)
5. Washi Paper, 2 coordinating sheets $10.00
This is decorative handmade paper that comes in many
different patterns, textures and weights. Pick two sheets
you like together that are not tissue paper thin.
6. Mechanical Pencil $3.19
7. Exacto Knife & blades $3.63
I prefer the Fiskars brand if you want to upgrade.
8. Self-healing cutting mat $9.39
At least 12 x 18.
9. Stiff & springy glue brush $1.09
This price refelcts an inexpensive version of a chid’s
craft brush. Lineco makes a larger glue brushes if
you’d like to upgrade.
10. Non-slip metal ruler $3.89
This price reflects a cork-backed ruler. I find the foam
backed rulers sturdier, if you’d like to upgrade.
11. 8oz container of Acrylic Gel Medium $9.39
Coatings like gloss or matt do not matter because
we’ll brush this on and use as an adhesive to cover our
chipboard with paper.
12. Blank letter sheets of paper (20-25) $5.00
I like to use paper that feels good in my hands.
Sometimes I alternate blank pages with lined and
graphed paper. If you can’t find a ream of separate
sheets you like, then buy a pad of paper you like
and either cut or tear them out.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PRICES I'VE LISTED ARE TO BE USED AS A GENERAL BUDGETING TOOL AND ARE NOT NECESSARILY THE PRICE YOU WILL FIND ON THE SHELVES. People ask all the time what they should be prepared to spend on basic supplies. It varies everywhere and I don't keep close tabs on who charges what.Bring from Home
1. Scissors
2. Roll of Wax Paper
3. A phonebook to help pierce holes in paper.
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