Most of these items can be purchased from Binders Art Supply in Buckhead, where I teach my bookmaking classes. At the bottom of this list are a number of other very helpful resources here in atlanta and online you should check out.
Bookmaking Supply list:
1. Lineco® medium-duty awl
2. Lineco® bookbinding needles (1 pkg.)
3. Lineco® Binding thread
4. Lineco® bone folder (sm or med)
5. Lineco® beeswax
6. Davy Board 1 sheet 30 x 41
7. Lineco® Neutral PH Adhesive (8 ounce bottle) or Sobo Glue
8. Lineco® methyl cellulose (little container of white powder)
9. Washi paper: decocrative Japanese paper (used as cover paper and here's an example of one pattern I'm fond of: Cherry Blossom) also helpful is a roll of Kozo white Sumi-E paper to back fabric when making book cloth or to add another layer of strength to existing paper)
10. Mechanical pencil (makes the most precise marks)
11. Scissors, exacto knife and blades
12. Binder clips (2 of each jumbo & large)
13. Triangle (any size you’re comfortable with)
14. Self-healing cutting mat (any size you like)
15. Flat Big Brush (stiff, cheap and springy!) (small or large: .5 to 1 inches wide)
16. Cork-backed metal ruler (any size you’re comfortable with)
17. 4 sheets of uniformly cut 8.5 x 11 foam core no larger than 15" (1/8 inch thickness) and one piece of scrap foam core
Grocery Store:
19. Roll of wax paper
20. Ziploc containers with lids: one of each 4 cup and 2 cup (in which to put your mixture of adhesive and methyl cellulose)
Hardware Store:
21. Sharpening stone and machine oil or lubricant (to be able to sharpen and reuse your dull exacto blades and sharpen your awl)
Office Supply Store:
22. Ream of 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 blank cotton paper: for pages of our books
Bring from home:
23. A magazine you won’t mind ripping up to use as “waste paper” when gluing.
24. Brick covered with paper (to weigh down your books as they dry flat)
Suggested books:
25. Non-Adhesive Binding \ Books Without Paste Or Glue by Keith A. Smith
26. Books, Boxes and Portfolios by Franz Zeier
11. Scissors, exacto knife and blades
12. Binder clips (2 of each jumbo & large)
13. Triangle (any size you’re comfortable with)
14. Self-healing cutting mat (any size you like)
15. Flat Big Brush (stiff, cheap and springy!) (small or large: .5 to 1 inches wide)
16. Cork-backed metal ruler (any size you’re comfortable with)
17. 4 sheets of uniformly cut 8.5 x 11 foam core no larger than 15" (1/8 inch thickness) and one piece of scrap foam core
Grocery Store:
19. Roll of wax paper
20. Ziploc containers with lids: one of each 4 cup and 2 cup (in which to put your mixture of adhesive and methyl cellulose)
Hardware Store:
21. Sharpening stone and machine oil or lubricant (to be able to sharpen and reuse your dull exacto blades and sharpen your awl)
Office Supply Store:
22. Ream of 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 blank cotton paper: for pages of our books
Bring from home:
23. A magazine you won’t mind ripping up to use as “waste paper” when gluing.
24. Brick covered with paper (to weigh down your books as they dry flat)
Suggested books:
25. Non-Adhesive Binding \ Books Without Paste Or Glue by Keith A. Smith
26. Books, Boxes and Portfolios by Franz Zeier
There are also a few other places I frequently raid to find bookmaking supplies here in Atlanta and online. Here's a helpful list of links:
30. Paper Ink Arts (search 'bookbinding')
31. John Neal Books (search 'bookbinding supplies')
32. Washi Accents (Local Atlanta store, previously known as Ichio, with a fabulous supply of imported Japanese papers. This lovely couple now sells out of their home in Buckhead, but you can order online as well.)
33. Nicholas Kniel Fine Ribbons & Embellishments (I use their amazing ribbon for tape-bound books. They're in Atlanta off of Roswell Rd.)
34. Paper Source (here in Atlanta with a terrific supply of imported papers and bookbinding supplies. Their Davy board is a little easier to cut, too.)
35. Dunwoody Needleworks (I buy their Crochet Cotton: Pearl Cotton balls in size 5 or 8 by DMC for stitching my books. A wonderful variety of 40 colors are available and when waxed, are quite strong. Also look nice when double stranded when you need more bulk or strength.)
36. Atlanta Vintage Books (Wonderful folks who are delightful to work with. Will help you find what you're looking for and let you browse at your leisure. I buy something I love and then cannibalize it to make more books and boxes.)
37. Talas (These folks are in NYC and carry the big guns when it comes to bookbinding, book repair and archival repair. I use them mostly for book cloth. Buy a little sample book to see what they carry. Wonderful stuff.)
38. Forsyth Fabrics (Right here in the ATL to make your own book cloth. Look at linen and cotton. Lovely stuff!)
And now, friends, I fear I have put you all in debt with all these juicy solutions for materials. I have more easy tips and material solutions - more than I can think of right now - so you'll need to take a class or workshop to help me pull them from my ever-shrinking left brain. Or is memory in the right? I can't remember. Ha.
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