...being a mom and watching him grow.
We just spent about a week with family up in Rabun Gap.
My cousin Barb took this and many other fab photos of the kids.
These 2 of Anton took my breath away enough to count my
blessings and remember the lyrics of "Something Good" from the Sound
of Music. Maria and the Capt fall in love and she realizes that there
was some great plan for her all along, in spite of the road being rocky
at times...
Perhaps I had a wicked childhood.
Perhaps I had a miserable youth.
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past,
there must have been a moment of truth.
For here you are standing there loving me,
whether or not you should.
So somewhere in my youth or childhood,
I must have done something good.
Nothing comes from nothing,
nothing ever could.
So somewhere in my youth or childhood,
I must have done something good.