So we had a really fun Thanksgiving today. Doug and Glo ran the Gobble Jog this morning. Anton and I got up early and ate breakfast. Just as Daddy kissed us goodbye and we were finishing our eggs and sausage, it started to rain. So we went right back upstairs to sleep the rest of the morning off listening to the pitter pat of rain above our heads. Sheer heaven.

Later we went to Mom & Dad's house for the big feast and were joined by the whole family: Mia, Glo, Peter, Diego (Glo's brother) Mom, Dad, Nonie and Manning. We had a terrific dinner and I can't wait to dig into the leftovers tomorrow, WHICH will be eaten, by the way, up in Rabun Gap. Weee!
Does Peter have a portrait of himself hiddern in the attic? Why isn't he aging?
Because he's still a 3-year-old inside.
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