~:W T F:~

So I was chatting with
Mary this afternoon and we were lamenting the fact that our blogs don't get nearly as many commentors as our friend
Tania's blog does. WHY FUCKING NOT!?!? Are we that boring? Want me to start making shit up? Sheese!~
Mary: does Tania pay people to leave messages on her blog?
Anne: i am SO envious of how many commentors she has
Mary: I feel so unpopular after I see how many people leave messages on her blog.
Anne: I mean COME ON.
Mary: HELLO! We have pretty cool blogs, too!
Anne: That's why I put a counter on my site.
Mary: me too!
Anne: So I know people are there - even when they don't say so.
Mary: exactly...but it is ridiculous how many people leave her messages...maybe that is a writer thing.
Mary: maybe I should ask people to leave me thumbnails.
Anne: or she's just more fucking popular than we - beeotch
Mary: or, I'd like to believe she's paying them. There has to be some kind of incentive.
Anne: she probably IS paying them
Mary: and she scolded me for not posting to her blog after just 1 week.
Mary: 1 week!
Anne: oh Tania
Anne: she has really lost it
Mary: I think I'll blog about her on my blog and see what happens.
Anne: yeah - me, too.
Anne: i hate her - don't you?
Mary: she is such a bitch.
Anne: we should post this conversation...
Anne: see how she likes it.
Mary: lol
Mary: on her blog.
Anne: i think i will!
Anne: LOL
Mary: that'll teach her a lesson
Anne: yeah
Anne: those writers
Anne: "writers"
Mary: fucking writers.
Anne: lol
Mary: god, and writing is soooo easy.
Mary: everyone can do that.
Anne: as if they do any REAL work
Anne: sheese
Mary: yeah....they just sit around, smoke pot and write silly poetry.
Anne: BAD whiney poetry!
Anne: Oh dark garden of my heart, like tears in the rain, I long for you...
Mary: lol
Anne: ...and under partly cloudy skies, i will sit here alone, by myself and cry of the aching world.
Mary: I would like to see Tania paint.
Anne: YEAH
Mary: actually, that would be rather interesting.
Anne: let's tie her up and see what happens - or put her in Hank's class
Mary: nah, she'd probably fuck it up.
Anne: yeah. prolly
Mary: Yeh, I'd like to see the bitch write with her hands tied.
Anne: upside down
Mary: you should definately post this to her blog.
Anne: i'll do it!