Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Brush Lettering Weekend Workshop January 7/8

The gift of the brush is that it offers superb sensitivity and flow – more than any pen or pencil ever could. There is nothing quite as pleasurable and sensuous as a paintbrush with a thousand fibers, waiting to push and pull paint around at your command.

Because of its great flexibility, the thought of commanding the attention of every single fiber to produce a predictable stroke, can be daunting and frustrating. There is no other way to cure this frustration, than to use the brush A LOT and make it your friend.

On the market these days are brush markers, made to appeal to those of us who find the brush so intimidating. But the marker can only produce 10-20 percent of the language a brush can, thereby limiting your potential for expression.

The goal of this class or workshop is to engage in formal measured stroke exercises, to produce predictable shapes. These shapes become the foundation of the calligraphic Brush Lettering hand and its many variations – limitless and powerful expressions of your own heart and hands.

The alphabet in both minuscule and majuscule characters will be studied, as well as numerals and opportunities for flourishing.  Envelopes, quotes, flourishes, and accents – we’ll be painting our hearts out among friends.

Painting meets drawing meets writing. In this class or workshop, you’ll be able to set your brush markers aside and replace them with a master’s tools – YOUR brush, your hands, and your voice.

More information: 
$5 Fee due to the instructor on the first day of class or workshop.
Anne will be bringing her dog to this class. If you have an allergy or phobia that she needs to be aware of, please email Anne directly.

About Anne
After earning a BFA in painting from the Cleveland Institute of Art and graduate studies in Graphic Design at The Portfolio Center, Anne Elser began her artistic career as a painter, bookbinder, designer, and calligrapher. With over 20 years teaching experience, her students often report how fulfilling the classroom experience is, prompting both personal and artistic transformations. Anne's classes are also FUN and full of laughter. Students find the sense of community she inspires enriching and entertaining.

She currently teaches private lessons from her home studio in Decatur, classes and workshops year round at Binder Art Supply in Buckhead and at their Ponce City Market location, as well as Thursday afternoon classes at The Spruill Center for the Arts, and classes and workshops at Aikido Decatur. She also travels in the states and abroad conducting workshops.

Her work has been featured in books and magazines across the country, and for both private and corporate clients such as Tiffany&Co, Mont Blanc, Louis Vuitton, Paces Papers, Landor, Martha Stewart Weddings, Belk, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Clicquot Veauvé, World50, Ogilvy, and more. 

Artist, calligrapher, teacher, mother, and friend, Anne believes making art creates a channel for truth and is a soulful reflection of the connections shared by all.

 Supply List:
• Mechanical Pencil for drawing guidelines and an eraser

Sketching Paper:
* Transparent Layout Paper for practice work.
Suitable Brands: Bienfang Graphics 360 100% Rag Marker Paper, Borden & Riley #100S Smooth Cotton Comp, and Strathmore Layout Bond 400 Series

Paper for final work:
* Cover weight stock in any color. Arches Watercolor Paper, Canson , Strathmore Artagain Black Pad, and many more are all acceptable brands. 

* 2 sizes of brushes: Small and Medium
* Pentel Aquash Water Brushes or Color Brushes or Pocket Brushes. Some of these are already loaded with ink. These are all acceptable. You may choose to use the inks inside, or keep them unloaded, so you can dip them into any ink or paint you so choose.

* Black or Walnut ink of your choice (any brand you enjoy.)
* (optional colored inks) Liquid Acrylic Inks in your favorite colors including one white and one black/dark brown. Suitable brands: Liquitex INK!, Daeler Rowney FW Inks, Dr. Martins Liquid Acrylic Inks.
* Later in the course we will be creating our own colored inks with watercolor/gouache mixed with gum arabic and water. Windsor and Newton paints are my favorite, but if you’ve other brands you prefer, please feel free to use them.

• Ruler
• Palette for mixing colors
• Paper Towels: Viva or blue shop towels
• Water Container: to clean your brushes and thin out paint



Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dec 3/4 Monogrammed Journal Bookbinding & Calligraphy Weekend Workshop

Calligraphy meets Bookbinding!

The anatomy of a book is fascinating, as are the personal adjustments one can make to create this decorative and functional work of art. A personal handmade journal is a vehicle in which you can fill your hopes and dreams, drawings, musings, sketches, lettering practice, and more.
If you enjoy stitching, gluing, folding, drawing, painting, laughing, and the freedom to be yourself in good company, this class is for you.

Spend a weekend making your very own Coptic Journal with folded blank or lined pages that you prefer writing on, sewn together with a bookbinding needle and waxed perl cotton thread. Front and back covers are cut from raw chipboard you then cover with imported handmade papers (Washi Paper.)

The Coptic Bound Book, developed by early Christians in Egypt, began its origins way back in the 2nd century AD. This functional, decorative work of art makes a great gift for you or someone who would enjoy filling it! 

A very flexible and visible spine allows it to open completely flat and therefore makes a fabulous sketchbook, journal, or lettering drill practice, as your hand does not have to fight the center of the book as you write. 

To make your book even more unique, we’ll personalize the cover with a monogram I’ll help you design. Using any lettering style or font you like, I’ll show you the secret to building out a well-balanced monogram and transferring that design to your cover with liquid acrylic inks and a brush, or a cut paper collage with the aide of scissors and fine details cut with an exacto blade. 

We’ll take about an hour break each day to eat lunch somewhere in the city of Decatur (you may also bring your lunch) and by the end of class, you’ll be very proud of your first coptic bound journal. Anne’s workshops are meaningful, educational, enriching, and fun.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Please let Anne know ( the full size of the paper you will be using for pages, so that we can have a your covers cut to their intended size.
Anne will be bringing her dog Inga to the workshop. If you have a phobia or allergy, please let her know beforehand, so that everyone is comfortable.

This is an All Skill Level course. 

Supplies provided by instructor:

• Semi-transparent marker layout paper (for sketching out monogram)

• Lineco® bookbinding needles 

• 2-ply chipboard covers 

• Wet Bookbinding Adhesive 

• 4-ply chipboard measuring guide

• Bookbinding Needles

• Beeswax

• Perl cotton thread

• Liquid Acrylic Inks for painted 

• Colored pencils for accenting/drawing monograms. 

• Piercing Cradles

• Wax Paper

Supply list: (purchased by students.)

• $15 supply fee to instructor payable the first day of class

• If you would like to paint your monogram, please bring a small or medium Pentel Aquash Water Brush. 

• Lineco® medium-duty awl

• Lineco® bone folder (bone, not plastic, please.)

• Decorative Cover Papers 
(Washi Paper, Japanese Decorative Paper, Kozo Paper Yuzen Paper, Lokta Paper) These come in large sheets and are hand made and printed. Each student should have 2 to 3 to use and collage with, to cover their boards and to bind within the book signatures. Needs to be strong enough for gluability, yet not too stiff that it’s hard to bed. Below are some examples at Paper Source that will work.

• Mechanical Pencil

• Exacto Knife & blades

• Self-healing cutting mat (at least 12 x 18)

• Lineco® glue brush or stiff & springy kiddie craft glue brush (at least one inch wide). Paper Source also carries a good glue brush.

• Non-slip metal ruler

• Pad of paper for book pages: Choose something you REALLY enjoy wtiting on. 
*My favorites are:  
Strathmore Calligraphy Pad, Strathmore Parchment Pad, Strathmore Writing Paper Pad (unlined), Rhodia and Claire-Fonatine pads: Lined, Graph, Dot, or blank. 

• Scissors

• Paper towels

• Work Apron
