Send a good boy or girl a personalized letter from Santa, handwritten, stamped and addressed by a professional calligrapher. Make your child's mailbox or stocking very happy this Christmas with a good note from the North Pole, mailed directly from the "North Pole Southeastern United States Satellite Office" in Decatur, Georgia. :D
For a more personalized letter, please include the following details about your child/grandchild/niece/nephew:
• Name
• Mailing Address
• Character qualities (patience, bravery, kindness, etc)
• Recent accomplishments (awards, grades, competitions, etc.)
• Presents they are sure to receive
• Words of wisdom you wish to impart
• Pets & family members to acknowledge
• Mailing Address
• Character qualities (patience, bravery, kindness, etc)
• Recent accomplishments (awards, grades, competitions, etc.)
• Presents they are sure to receive
• Words of wisdom you wish to impart
• Pets & family members to acknowledge
You may also have me scribe YOUR own letter, as long as it is within 90 words.
Please allow 48 hours for shipping.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. This works for big kids, too!