October 5, 6, & 7 2012.
Many thanks go to Victoria Lansford for bringing Yves here, Jacob Gunter for coordinating the workshop and to Binders for hosting and coordinating this fabulous opportunity!
I've heard from so many of my students how much they prefer creating the curves and swing of Copperplate with a pointed pen over the meaty march of Italic with a chisel nib. Let me tell you - there IS a way to accomplish both and a great way to begin is with an Italic Variations class. Yves will point the way and I am so excited to have him here.
I think his approach sounds fascinating and I can't wait to meet and learn from him. The Italic hand can seem stiff and unbendable to the new calligrapher, because of its broad, rigid nib. But you can add spirit and life to anything and the italic letter and the chisel nib is more fluid and versatile than you might think. Yves will show us how to tap your own life and spirit and unique personality into the nib your hands are gifted with through polyrhymthic writing and more.
If you've taken a beginning Italic Calligraphy course, this would be a terrific opportunity for you to take your work to the next level by allowing your hands to really dance with variety, soul and meaning. And if the Italic hand has been your friend for many years, this would be a great opportunity to introduce it to its rebellious variations - the ones that currently live inside of you, the ones you haven't met yet - the ones that will set you free.
Variations on Italic 10/5 (ARTZ1241)
Variations on Italic with Yves Leterme
All Levels | Price: $ 200 (includes demo) | Min. 10 / Max. 16 | Demo: Fri. Oct. 5, 6 - 8pm | Workshop: Oct. 6 & 7, Sat. 10am - 4pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm | Registration Deadline: September 23rd
All Levels | Price: $ 200 (includes demo) | Min. 10 / Max. 16 | Demo: Fri. Oct. 5, 6 - 8pm | Workshop: Oct. 6 & 7, Sat. 10am - 4pm, Sun. 11am - 5pm | Registration Deadline: September 23rd

Want to do some more research on what Yves has to offer? Take a look at some of his calligraphic videos.
Beethoven Herschreven
A film featuring Yves Leterme's calligraphy with Beethoven's 'Pathétique' (first movement) as musical score.
Made for the calligraphy exhibition at Heist-op-den-Berg (B) in April 2012.
Yves Leterme Cleans UP
This video documents Leterme's exhibition in Antwerp during the summer of 2011.
The Crown of Ariadne - harp and calligraphy
The first cooperation of harpist Andrea Voets (www.andreavoets.com) and calligrapher Yves Leterme (www.yleterme.be), inspired by the piece 'the Crown of Ariadne' by the Canadian composer R. Murray-Schafer.
And here's some more delightful information about Yves:
Yves Leterme (°1959 Bruges, Belgium) spent more than twenty years trying to influence the lives and thoughts of young Brugean adolescents by reading and explaining the works of Virgil, Plato, Cicero and the likes. But since even Latin grammar cannot keep a man happy and satisfied for a whole lifetime, he now devotes all his time and energy to the fine art of calligraphy. Being a freelance calligrapher he continuously shifts from various commissions (lettering and artistic works) to artwork for exhibitions and galleries. He has been teaching calligraphy mostly in Flanders, but in recent years also in the US, Japan, Australia, Canada, South-Africa, the U.K., Germany, Switzerland and France.
Having been a close student of Brody Neuenschwander for a number of years, he was (and still is) favourably influenced by his vision on contemporary calligraphy. Already at an early stage he devoted a lot of time developing his gestural style, for which he has gained international acclaim. Other typical features are his carefully drawn capitals and unusual compositions on richly textured backgrounds.
He was cofounder, coach and chief master of the Whitespace-system, a school for contemporary calligraphy in Flanders.
Throughout the years, Yves' work has been selected for inclusion in many juried shows and his pieces can be found in museums and private collections all over the world. He's the author of 'Thoughtful Gestures', the first book on gestural writing.
For more information and pictures, visit his website www.yleterme.be