Saturday, November 28, 2009
Coptic Wonderland
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My Own Table

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. (This post was written last night.)
I gaze upon the roast,
that is sliced and laid out
on my plate
and over it
I spoon the juices
of carrot and onion.
And for once I do not regret
The passage of time.
I sit by a window
that looks
on the soot-stained brick of buildings
and do not care that I see
no living thing—not a bird,
not a branch in bloom,
not a soul moving
in the rooms
behind the dark panes.
These days when there is little
to love or to praise
one could do worse
than yield
to the power of food.
So I bend
to inhale
the steam that rises
from my plate, and I think
of the first time
I tasted a roast
like this.
It was years ago
in Seabright,
Nova Scotia;
my mother leaned
over my dish and filled it
and when I finished
filled it again.
I remember the gravy,
its odor of garlic and celery,
and sopping it up
with pieces of bread.
And now
I taste it again.
The meat of memory.
The meat of no change.
I raise my fork in praise,
and I eat.
and over it
I spoon the juices
of carrot and onion.
And for once I do not regret
The passage of time.
that looks
on the soot-stained brick of buildings
and do not care that I see
no living thing—not a bird,
not a branch in bloom,
not a soul moving
in the rooms
behind the dark panes.
These days when there is little
to love or to praise
one could do worse
than yield
to the power of food.
So I bend
the steam that rises
from my plate, and I think
of the first time
I tasted a roast
like this.
It was years ago
in Seabright,
Nova Scotia;
my mother leaned
over my dish and filled it
and when I finished
filled it again.
I remember the gravy,
its odor of garlic and celery,
and sopping it up
with pieces of bread.
I taste it again.
The meat of memory.
The meat of no change.
I raise my fork in praise,
and I eat.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Birthday Portrait
Monday, November 23, 2009
Needle Books!
Needle Books In The Making

I've a new venture - Needle Books! They're made of felt pages, instead of paper and will be coptic bound with a ribbon closure. Found beautiful felted wool fabric by Mary Flanagan at Purl Soho and will be creating these books for sale at Dunwoody Needle Works. Very excited. Love the colors, the feel of the real wool and really hope they sell well in this new venue. I'll keep you updated as they become!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Fishy Box
Friday, November 20, 2009
2010 Anne Elser Calligraphy and Bookmaking classes at Binders Art Supply

Calligraphy 2 w/Anne Elser (CLASS 1/4-2/8)
Calligraphy 2 with Anne Elser :: Mondays, 6 sessions, Jan. 4 - Feb.8 :: 6-8:30pm :: Fee: $140. Theres good news for those of you who have already taken a Copperplate or Italic class from Anne and feel stuck - staring down that blank stack of envelopes with no idea how to tackle all that space. Introducing Calligraphy 2, an advanced calligraphy class designed for those who already know the fundamentals of any calligraphic face and are ready for the challenge of applying the words to the page. Whether you are addressing envelopes, laying out a certificate, document or quote of any size, this class will help you understand the concept of hierarchy on a page, drama, stable compositions and balance of elements. You will also be encouraged to take the plunge into the world of flourishing! Experimenting with color, gouache, inks and paper is also encouraged. Bring in your free spirits and lets have fun! THIS WORKSHOP OR CLASS IS AT OUR ATLANTA STORE.
January - February 2010
Bookmaking with Anne Elser (CLASS 1/5-2/9)
February - March 2010
Bookmaking with Anne Elser (CLASS 2/23-3/30)
January - February 2010
Copperplate Calligraphy (CLASS 1/6-2/10)
February - March 2010
Copperplate Calligraphy (CLASS 2/24-3/31)
January - February 2010
Italic Calligraphy (CLASS 1/7-2/11)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Holiday Artists Market 2009

Hello Friends,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Orba Squara

I just love these guys. A PC student recently sent me this link to Orba Squara's site, because of the typographical play and general funkiness of the design. After listening to a few tracks, I was hooked. This is music your whole family can enjoy. It makes all three of us happy, Doug, Anton and me!